doing well, but will I maintain when I reach my goal?

I am really enjoying MFP and the support of others, and at the moment have hit my first stone off and my first goal is really close.

I am hoping to hit my ultimate goal next spring/summer.

So what's the problem you ask? I have been here before, not with MFP, and hit my ultimate goal before, many moons ago I hasten to add when I was younger and found it easier.

I really don't want to put it back on again and would love to hear from any MFP members who are successfully managing to maintain and let us in on the secret :wink:


  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I'm not there yet...but the secret clearly has to be....don't stop the habits that got you to lose the weight in the first place! Maintain healthy eating and exercise habits as a way of life.
  • PoeRaven
    PoeRaven Posts: 433 Member
    If you have made a LIFE change, then you will be fine maintaining your weight loss.
    I reached my ultimate goal last October and have been maintaining now for 10 months. I won't say I'm perfect but I have managed to not gain back even one pound.
    I still log onto this website. I still keep a food diary, but not necessarily every day. I still get up and run at least 4 days a week.
    Everything I've learned has become routine. That's what it takes to maintain.

    Good luck to you!
  • glenbabe
    glenbabe Posts: 303 Member
    I think we will be fine .My plan is to enter in the settings maintainance and keep logging until it is just so easy I dont have to think about it when that day dawns I have cracked it I hope lol.I am just like you been at goal twice in my life then took my eye off the ball cant afford to do that this time because it is so hard to lose the weight now I am older.We have to accept that this is a life change like everyone says on here.I think I can live with that its not that hard really not with all the support we have on MFP:wink:
  • bethdris
    bethdris Posts: 1,090 Member
    I will be at goal for the 2nd time this year...( I hit goal early aug and decided to change it again.) So I was on only on maintainance for a week, but once everything is engrained in your head, and its part of "life" it shouldn't be that hard to keep it that way! I wlil still log, exercise, and support others..thats what MFP is all about! :)