calorie intake

I am fairly new with this program and have an ongoing issue. I cannot seem to get my calorie intake to where it needs to be, it's always too low. My fat, fiber and protein however are most of the time right on. What foods do I eat to add calories without adding extra fat. I really am enjoying my fitness pal and have noticed improvement regarding my energy level (exercising more-which gives me more calories) and just feeling better. I am even sleeping better. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated..


  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    nuts, almonds

    sorry mis read that.....try fruit for extra calories without fat and protein
  • tmcj1968
    Well, lean protein will give you calories and keep your fat down. Grilled chicken is great. So is lean meat like flank steak. You may even think about adding protein powder if you aren't a fan of meat. Just some thoughts...good luck!
  • soberkittie
    Thanks for the tips..Will try to eat more fruits. I did have a lean steak with steamed broccoli for lunch. May I ask what is shakeology?