Bye Bye Jillian M!! I quit

Today was day 4 on L1 on the 30 SD. My knees are killing me! I really hate to be a quitter but I quit. I kept hearing her say in the begining of the dvd "there's no modification for jumping jacks! I have 400 lb people who do them" Well guess what this 189 lb person can't. I think this will set me back a bit till my knees heal. I'm very dissapointed in myself, I really wanted to last the whole 30 days.


  • moonflower09
    moonflower09 Posts: 91 Member
    I'm with you. I am starting out slow and happy to be moving. I signed up for a 5k in 9 weeks that I am training for. I will be walking it. I found Hal Higdons site on line that starts you out for 10-15 min walks till your up to speed. I feel kind of silly walking 10 minutes but my shoes are on, I have made a committment and I am out in the sunshine moving again.

    Stay gentle and breathe. Its a journey. Id rather be healthy and strong than overwhelmed and aching with pain. Good luck!
  • chefchazz
    chefchazz Posts: 427
    modify anyway. you cant injure yourself trying to do something you cant. insanity killed my already bad knee. i had to stop. no need for disappointment. it is what it is.:smile:
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    walk in placce or subsitute another activity instead of jumping jacks
  • Shutterpillar
    Level 1 hurt my knees as well. turned out it was because of the shoes I was wearing.

    Let them heal, check your shoes, and get back with it if you can. It is tough, but so worth it in the end.
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    what about if you do everything but the jumping jacks ?? or just stand there and move your arms ?? no worries, when i first started i did p90x for 2 days then's tough, but it of luck in your decision:flowerforyou:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Today was day 4 on L1 on the 30 SD. My knees are killing me! I really hate to be a quitter but I quit. I kept hearing her say in the begining of the dvd "there's no modification for jumping jacks! I have 400 lb people who do them" Well guess what this 189 lb person can't. I think this will set me back a bit till my knees heal. I'm very dissapointed in myself, I really wanted to last the whole 30 days.
    Instead of jumping, just step out side to side. High impact ain't for everyone.
  • pelester3117
    Dont give up on yourself, find another work out that will work for you. I have weak knees so I can relate to what you are saying. Everything is not meant for everybody. You will find what is right for you. When you heal, jump right back up and start a program that works for you.:smile:
  • becca92562
    becca92562 Posts: 30 Member
    I read under the reviews for that DVD that people with bad knees shouldn't be doing it. Don't be hard on yourself knee surgury will do nothing for your weight loss goals :D
  • kristlynngirl
    kristlynngirl Posts: 121 Member
    I had to quit 30DS for the same reason, it destroyed my knees!
  • SpaceMarkus
    My girlfriend has done Turbo Jam, Turbo Fire, and Teaches all 3 Powder Blue formats for group fitness. I bought her one of Jillian's DVD's and after two times through really messed her knee up.

    Sorry, we'll stick with the trainers that really care (not about the buck but the people).
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    Tony Horton of P90X says "Do your best and forget the rest" so I've modified my way through his program twice. When I started I couldn't do the jumping jacks for the same reason as you, I felt like a knee cap was going to shoot across the room! But now, after all that modifying while I built up strength I can keep up with him (on jumping jacks anyway!)
  • sandy2006
    sandy2006 Posts: 483 Member
    what about if you do everything but the jumping jacks ?? or just stand there and move your arms ?? no worries, when i first started i did p90x for 2 days then's tough, but it of luck in your decision:flowerforyou:

    Not just the jumping jack, its all the cardio that makes you come off the ground. I think I may try it again when I lose 10 lbs and see how they feel then.
  • adventuring
    Some things aren't for everybody. I didn't like that video either. I think it's more important to do something that you love/like and that you can stick to for a good long time than to push yourself to do something that isn't working for you.
  • knj12
    knj12 Posts: 11
    I've modified it too...I jog in place, but still do the arm movements.
  • Lavern77
    Lavern77 Posts: 108 Member
    Don't feel bad the jumping jacks really hurt my ankles/feet. She may have people that heavy doing them, we "did" them too, but with this amount of weight it very hard on the joints to do that many jumping jacks every day for 30 days straight. I think it's still a really good workout, but I'm going to save it for down the road when I'm not carrying so much weight, and hopefully it won't leave me limping the next day.
  • KQmom
    KQmom Posts: 29 Member
    I also hurt my knees doing 30DS, I think it was the squats though :( it was very disappointing because I was seeing great results by day 7. I may go back to it, and just take it easy, focus on my movements and make sure I'm doing everything correctly. It was such a great work out in 20 mins... but definitely let yourself heal before trying again.
  • Txifonly
    Txifonly Posts: 43 Member
    Don't quit the whole program. Just substitute something low impact (like marching in place or the punches from later in the L1 for the jumping jacks and butt kicks) then do the rest that you can do. Personally, the butt kicks kick my butt. Nobody says you have to do it perfectly, just do what you can.
  • Dolphingirlie81
    I have been doing one of her videos and I absolutely hate jumping jacks. So I usually jog in place or kickbox or jump rope. You don't have to do jumping jacks. Just make sure you are still moving. Don't give up! I know it's discouraging, but there are other modifications you can do.
  • countrygirl_717
    Today was day 4 on L1 on the 30 SD. My knees are killing me! I really hate to be a quitter but I quit. I kept hearing her say in the begining of the dvd "there's no modification for jumping jacks! I have 400 lb people who do them" Well guess what this 189 lb person can't. I think this will set me back a bit till my knees heal. I'm very dissapointed in myself, I really wanted to last the whole 30 days.
    Instead of jumping, just step out side to side. High impact ain't for everyone.

    I agree! I'm doing Turbo Fire, and the girl that does the modifications does that exact thing for the jumping jacks. Not everyone's body can do those plyometric moves! Please don't be disappointed in yourself. You're not a quitter! Your body just is telling you that you need to do it a bit different to make it work for you. Just do it with intensity, you can still get a good burn without hurting yourself :)
    You are strong!
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    what about if you do everything but the jumping jacks ?? or just stand there and move your arms ?? no worries, when i first started i did p90x for 2 days then's tough, but it of luck in your decision:flowerforyou:

    Not just the jumping jack, its all the cardio that makes you come off the ground. I think I may try it again when I lose 10 lbs and see how they feel then.
    That could definitely work! It worked for me. A while ago I tried running for two minutes... hurt my knee and had to be careful for the next few days. Eight pounds later, I ran 2.25 miles straight with no knee injury!