

  • TDBrims
    TDBrims Posts: 138
    You know what hun it's your body and you know how it fels and reacts just the same as we all know ours and what works for us. People need to let other folk just live their lives their way sometimes and stop trying to force their opinions down others throats...personally for me Slimming World works...for others it doesn't you have to find what works and is sustainable for you so ignore all the harsh crisitcism and just concentrate on getting yourself healthy xx
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    Do whats working for you - it clearly is, so well done! :smile:
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I would just like to say...

    the reason ppl join MFP is for support. Not to be ridiculed. The purpose of this site is to help others and to share success and motivation. Yes, I'M DOING ATKINS! And I love it. So what! We may not have the same goals, we may exercise differently and our diets may be different. But at the end of the day, we all use MFP to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle.

    To be honest, it was my doctor who suggested I go on a very low carb diet. I am on 25, 158lbs and am dealing with a lot of medical issues that i have no control over. I currently take 16 medications a day. Only my doctor and I knows whats best for me. You really shouldnt judge others without knowing them. MFP is a happy place. Save the drama for Facebook.

    I can TOTALLY relate to you on this! I just started taking phentermine on Monday and I have gotten alot of grief about it. I am only 23 and also have alot of health issues. Two of my doctors told me they think the phentermine would actually benefit me. I have been all checked out, done tons of research and I am under the care of my very trusted doctor! (sorry, I always feel the need to defend myself now!) Anyway, I agree! Everyone is not going to agree on how to diet and exercise, what they should eat, if medication helps. We dont HAVE to agree! we should still support one another. Obviously, if the person is making horrible decisions and hurting theirself then you should try to help, but to ridicule people and make them feel like they need to defend their decisions is ridiculous.
  • AlyRoseNYC
    AlyRoseNYC Posts: 1,075 Member
    I'm starting to realize that MFP forums are not really a place to find support for weight loss. It is blatantly obvious that some members skim the titles of posts to see what kind of sarcastic, mocking, or back handed comment they can add to the conversation. When I joined last year, it wasn't like this. At least I don't remember it being like this. I don't know what happened in the few months where I was not active in the forums but it's almost like night and day.

    Personally, I would never ever post a thread seeking advice on here. If I feel that I need help, I go to the Atkins Support Group in the Food and Nutrition section. I do reply to other people's threads though.
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I am not following Atkins, but I am doing a similar 'diet' I am following the Dukan Plan, which is also low carb, high protein. I am having great success on it. When I was eating carbs, it was impossible for me to lose weight no matter how many calories I was eating. I am in the second phase, where every other day I eat vegetables on top of the diets lean meats and non fat dairy. I have had a few slip days lately, so I haven't really lost anything in 2 weeks....but I am hovering at least.

    With that said, do what works for YOU. If this is something that works, and you feel good...then keep at it! Don't let others negative attitudes make you feel bad. In fact, they are probably just judging because they don;t have it in them to cut out carbs that may be keeping them from losing.
  • Leanne1795
    Leanne1795 Posts: 186
    I am an Atkins girl. Add me if you wish.
    Atkins has completely turned my diabetes around and I now have the tightest control ever. It has also lowered my cholesterol and my blood pressure. So let the naysayers carry on as much as they like! :)
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    I just want to say something about Atkins. I am a scientist so I read scientific journals (for fun mostly - I am a little crazy). A couple of years ago I read in a scientific journal, and then again in New Scientist magazine, that scientists believe that more Atkins-style diets are what we need to be concentrating on to deal with the western world's obesity problems. I'm not an expert in this field but I know enough to know the science is sound - too many carbs create weight-gain, mess with insulin levels, raise cholesterol and lipids and lead to life-long problems.

    Atkins isn't for everyone but it works extremely well for a lot of people, but I do agree that if you have serious medical condition you should check with a doctor first. The amount of fat you eat following this "lifestyle" (don't want to use the word"diet") doesn't accumulate in your arteries if you are doing a little moderate exercise everyday (which we should be doing anyway - I'm only talking about walking!), whereas sugar and simple carbs causes insulin to rise in order to turn the sugar into fat for storage. This causes blood lipid levels to rise and also LDL cholesterol. I can't comment on lipid levels if you don't do any exercise at all, but then Atkins strongly advocates exercise. If you follow the programme properly (including the recommended exercise) you should be fine.

    If you read the Atkins book from cover to cover you will see that the induction phase is only for two weeks and is not at all harmful (although with certain illnesses you ought to check with a doctor), certainly not when you compare it with some of the crazy fad diets. After the initial two weeks carbs are gradually increased by eating more fruit and vegetables first, then nuts, seeds and other complex carbs - all healthy foods! The only things that are "strongly discouraged" are white carbs and sugar. Those are things none of us should be eating often anyway!

    There is nothing wrong with Atkins IF FOLLOWED PROPERLY. It is not for everyone. If it doesn't suit you then find something else but don't criticise people who do follow it if you yourself don't know all the ins and outs of it. I followed it strictly for a while and my medical conditions all improved greatly. My blood sugar stabilized and my blood-pressure and cholesterol are excellent. I now live by the maintenance principles of the Atkins diet for the most part and would not consider going back to sugary or higher carb diet ever!

    I think one of the biggest problems (I read scientific journal articles for fun too!) is that people, even doctors, confuse ketosis, a normal healthy biological process, with acidoketosis, a life threatening illness. It is unfortunate that so many people don't read the research.
  • Dette1
    Dette1 Posts: 23 Member
    It is so crazy because everyone responds to food and exercise differently depending on your genetics, health situation, etc. Low carb is a total benefit for anyone with PCOS for example, I was not able to stick with it - I suffer from a lack of will power :-) Anyway if you have something that works and you are sticking with it and exercising then heck you are doing better than most! More power to ya! Feel free to friend me if you want to chat~

    Dette :drinker:
  • i'm on a modified atkins, and if anyone tried to tell me what to do with my body i will cut a *****. my doctor originally recommended medifast, which i've done before- it's another low carb/high protein diet.

    it does make me mad when it seems like everyone on here is a mini-nutritionist. pretty much EVERYTHING about weight loss is up for grabs- i've read about 500 different opinions from doctors and nutritionists online that all contradict with eachother. especially with ketosis, you have one person telling you you're going to die tomorrow from the ketones, and another telling you the best thing in the entire world.

    i guess my point is, people need to chill, and try to ignore people attacking you for your choices :)