Anyone else happy to just be an "average" weight?

I see a lot of people on here with what I personally view as low and skinny goals. And that's their choice, all good. I know I hate being overweight and according to BMI "just on the obese scale" (F$#& YOU!), but I uploaded one of those animation model thingees and ..

My goal is to lose about 25kgs. That's about 40lbs. Put me in the middle -slightly higher end of normal BMI. Looking between the model differences, there isn't a hell of a lot of change, but I look at the smaller one and think "HELL YEAH! I can't WAIT to be that size! I would be so happy to be that size and wouldn't really want to be a hell of a lot smaller!"

More pushin' for the cushin!

Yes ... It appears by that statement I hump pillows. It is an art.

What are your thoughts?



  • FaithsVegWorkout
    Yeah, I'm only trying to lose 2 sizes, so I hear ya.
  • Pixie7210
    Pixie7210 Posts: 53 Member
    I feel the same, I am 5ft 4 I have been told that I can get down to 57 kilos and still be healthy, which I believe is way to thin. My goal is to reach 65 kilos which makes me a hell of a lot thinner than now.
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    girl. You rock. I came on here thinking I wanted to lose all this weight... I lost it and was wayy down at the "low" end of the specturum, then I started HATING it... I missed honestly missed my love handles and not looking like a rail... You are awesome! Don't let anyone change your mind!!!!! =] !!! <3 !
  • missolesky
    where do you get those animated model things?
  • AniMarieSt
    AniMarieSt Posts: 119 Member
    What weight loss animation program did you use? That sounds like a neat form of motivation for a geek (not a bad thing) such as myself.
  • TNGirlyGirl
    TNGirlyGirl Posts: 337 Member
    where do you get those animated model things?

    My question exactly!!!
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281

    Not sure how you get them side by side. I just did my before, print screened, then after, print screened then uploaded to photobucket.
  • freeloaves
    freeloaves Posts: 281
    girl. You rock. I came on here thinking I wanted to lose all this weight... I lost it and was wayy down at the "low" end of the specturum, then I started HATING it... I missed honestly missed my love handles and not looking like a rail... You are awesome! Don't let anyone change your mind!!!!! =] !!! <3 !

    Glad to see I'm not crazy! :D
  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    where can i make that animation thing?
  • mikonei
    mikonei Posts: 291 Member
    Yeah, I would look gross at the low end of my healthy range. My goal is actually just below overweight. I've seen my body about 40 pounds from that goal before and I'd rather not get much smaller than that. Especially since under all the fat I know I have a pretty good amount of muscle, and I'd rather not lose that for the sake of a lower number. :)
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    I started by wanting to be in a size 10 (started in a tight 16-18) I can now
    wear 2's and 4's I dont want to be skinny I want to be fit and tone
    im still 25-30 lbs over my mid idea weight my BMI is 1 % from being
    healthy, Im happy and love working out every day I eat healthy and a lot :)
    Your goals tend to change as you go, I never ever dreamed i would want or
    accomplish a tone buff body but that is now my goal and I'm loving it :drinker:
    To each his own I wish everyone the best and hope all your goals are fullfilled :flowerforyou:
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    My goal is also the higher end of the healthy range.
  • Olga197
    Olga197 Posts: 1
    Me too - I start to look weird when I loose too much weight. I like being curvy - I just don't want to be as curvy as I am right now. I have an 8 week goal for a beach holiday to Lindeman Island -hopefully I can treat myself with a new swimming costume!
  • _David_
    _David_ Posts: 476 Member
    I hate the BMI scale, right now I am 1 point from being obese. My recommended weight is 134-185 and there is no way I wanna get below 195 so I am content with being average and my main goal is to be fit and add some good size and lbm
  • KLRed04
    KLRed04 Posts: 5
    I totally agree, I would be happy at a size 14 yes a size 12 would be nice but I know if I was a size 14 for life I would be happy with that. If I reached the weight "they" say I should be at I would look like a pole carryng a balloon head with big feet. So to hell with what "they" say as long as I am healthy and happy dont tell me I'm overweight when I am probably healthier than the average size 8 - 10 person!!
  • jdub1011
    jdub1011 Posts: 27 Member
    Here is the link to create your own before and "after" photo:
  • foremant86
    foremant86 Posts: 1,115 Member
    yes! i have no desire to be skinny. I want to be healthy and have lean muscles!
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    I just wanna look good naked. (I totally stole that from someone but don't remember who). I'm not proportional at an "average" weight. I have tiny boobs and huge thighs. I want to make my thighs tiny so they match.

    OR I could get huge boobs.... Hrm.... decisions, decisions.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'm 5'4" and have just got to 72 kg which is still overweight according to the BMI scale. Although the top of "healthy range" for me is 67kg, I'm heading for 70 kg and think that will probably be enough weight lost to look, feel and BE healthy.
    I've gone from a tight size 18 (Aussie) to a loose 12 and with a few more kg gone I think I'll be fitting into a size 10 (about US 6 I think). I really don't want to be any thinner than that!
  • lsd007
    lsd007 Posts: 435
    Me, I think. I'm 5'6" at roughly 155 pounds. I'm technically trying to lose 10 more, but if I stayed this size forever I would be content.