Favorite Workout Videos? =)

So I am constantly downlaoding movies and music through torrents and for some reason the idea to download workout videos never occured to me until tonight. So now I am possibly going a little download crazy. I just got;

MTV Yoga and Pilates
Rodney Yee Yoga Collection
Tony Horton Ten Minute Trainers
Fun Flirty Fitness Booty Beat. Ugh I so wish I had a stripper pole and I would be all over Pole Fit!
Zumba Fitness Totally Body Workout.

What are some other awesome videos and such that you love that I should try out? Let me know! I can never have too many workout videos!!


  • lindsaystory
    lindsaystory Posts: 10 Member
    Jillian Michaels - 30 Day Shred ...will make you want to die at first, but it does the JOB!
  • atd81
    atd81 Posts: 225 Member
    I love tae bo, makes me want to keel over and die, but seriously gets your heart pumping.
  • Heatherbee86
    Heatherbee86 Posts: 3 Member
    I use the Jillian Michael's Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism. It makes you hate Jillian but it works you.
  • maclynn62
    hi, i like to go onto you tube and download zumba dvd's, all free, my favoruite price