Kindle VS. iPad

k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
I am wanting a few opinions or hopfully personal experiences. My Sony ereader decided last night was the last night that it wanted to function. Long story and I was/am still a little pissed about it. I DO NOT want to get another one of those. I do however want an reader device.

I have an itouch and I use it a lot. It seems the iPad is just a big itouch. Which to me is a little detrimental as I carry my itouch in my uniform pocket and an iPad wouldn't fit. But, an iPad is basically a small laptop and I know will be useful when I go back to grad school in the spring. But I do have a nice desk top at home.

I like the idea of having a dedicated reading device with no other uses because noone else in my family will use it but me mostly as I read much more than they do. I read a lot and I was addicted to my Sony, but dying after less than a year is not something I want to buy again. I am leaning towards a Kindle 3G because it is a dedicated reader and I can down load books from anywhere.

What do you all think? What do you own? and What are your experiences with these devices?


  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    I have a 3g iPad and absolutely love it......I have the Kindle book reader on there, but as I travel a lot I can also watch movies, surf the net - and actually do my emails, word documents and spreadsheets when I am on the train (out of the office)

    I used to travel with my laptop - now I just take the iPad - and being a bit bigger than the kindle is actually great for reading books....not as tough on the eyes - and less paging....

    But then I am a apple disciple ;-)
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    i love my kindle. i use it to read while I'm on the exercise bike at the gym!
    I would never get an iPad despite being an apple devotee as it doesn't do anything my iPhon, macbook and iPod don't do and i prefer the kindle as the eink is better for eyestrain.
    but if you wanted to watch movies an ipad might be good.
  • Ange_
    Ange_ Posts: 324 Member
    let me add i have a kindle dx which is bigger too.
  • webdiva1
    webdiva1 Posts: 326 Member
    I've a 32gb iPad2 3G and i love it. I, too, take mine when I travel in lieu of my old Dell laptop which weighs approx. 143 pounds. :)

    That being said, I have yet to read a book on it, though I like to grab TED presentations and watch those. For me, it was all about flexibility. If all you really want to do is read, then a Kindle, or even a Nook, would certainly do the trick (and cost a lot less).
  • MikeBBerger
    If you do a lot of reading, especially in sunlight, get a dedicated e-reader with an e-ink display. Battery life will be orders of magnitude longer, it'll be easier on the eyes and have less glare. It's also a lot cheaper than a tablet like an iPad. If you want the features of a tablet AND an e-reader and can afford it maybe consider getting both. I picked up a Kobo for around $100. It doesn't have 3/4G, but considering it holds a few thousand books I don't really see the need for it.
  • Emilyannewithane
    I own both an ipad and a Kindle. I'm a huge reader and I've tried to read on the ipad and it kills my eyes, even when I adjust the settings. The Kindle is made specifically for reading and is my favorite thing. I can use it outside in the bright sun, which is crazy. The ipad you can't do that with.

    So, my vote for reading only? Kindle, hands down.
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    Let me toss in a vote for the Nook as well. I have the Nook color and and I love it. You can borrow books from friends, and if your local library participates, you can borrow books from them as well.
    They have apps on the Nook as well and its pretty fast. The e ink version is great for reading in sunlight, the color, not so good, but I burn easily so its not an issue for me.
    The newer Nooks have better battery life so not sure how it compares for the other e readers, but I love mine!!
  • Johnnyswife
    Johnnyswife Posts: 1,447 Member
    :noway: Eeep! dreaded double post! Sorry!
  • oliviaforever
    oliviaforever Posts: 36 Member
    Don't compare a Kindle and an iPad! They're different! The main point of a Kindle is for reading. The Kindle is an absolutely amazing eReader, but it's not that great for surfing the internet. The iPad is indeed like a small laptop (though if you wanted a small laptop I would suggest just getting a netbook instead) but in my opinion, it sucks for reading books. The iPad can have a lot of glare if you're reading in a bright light, especially the sun. The Kindle, however, has an AMAZING screen and looks just like a regular book page.

    But then again, because the iPad does somewhat function like a laptop, you would not only be able to read books on it, but also you'd be able to surf the internet and play with apps (and FaceTime, take photos, etc, with an iPad 2). There is a version of the Kindle that can use the internet, but it is nowhere near as good as the iPad for that. And the iPad is nowhere near as good as the Kindle for reading.
  • Hattie2879
    Hattie2879 Posts: 131
    I have a Kindle and love it for the reasons everyone else has said. And I agree with everyone, if you want something for ONLY reading, go for the Kindle. If you want more flexibility, go for the iPad.