Has anyone else noticed this about Dr.Oz?

redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
I watch the show now and again and I noticed every time he checks someone's blood pressure and it's high, he turns into this monster. Her seriously looks pissed at the person. Anyone else notice this?


  • 6heatherb6
    6heatherb6 Posts: 469 Member
    not really ...but phew...I have low blood pressure!!!
  • Granolagurl
    Good eye...he sure does! I did not even really notice this! I checked out a few episodes on line to see what you meant. You are so right! Must be because he KNOWS what the pharmaceutical ramifications are for patients with high blood pressure. It is a diagnosis that leads to a journey deeper into Rx treatment with all sorts of side effects --which can tailspin into many other issues...yet, if left untreated - well, the outcome is also fairly grim. Gee...you just reaffirmed one of the reasons I am using myfitnesspal.com! Do NOT get any closer to HBP...and do NOT whiz off Dr. Oz!