Is this a good routine?

Until recently I was jogging 3 miles 4 times a week. Unfortunately, my knee began hurting quite a bit (MRI clear) so I have been resting it. Now I feel I need a new routine to save me from knee pain and I was thinking of one of these:

M - 20 min swim (work up)
T - 1 hour circuit training class (although I'm worried it might be too much jumping)
W - 20 min swim
TH - 1 hour circuit training morning class and 1 hour yogalates late afternoon((pilates and yoga mix)
F - 20 min swim
S- 1 hour walk
S - rest

M - 20 min swim (work up)
T - 1 hour kick and tone class
W - 20 min swim
TH - 1 hour zumba morning 1 hour yogalates late afternoon
F - 20 min swim
S- 1 hour walk
S - rest

M - 20 min swim (work up)
T - 1 hour kick and tone class
W - 20 min swim
TH - 30 minute jog
F - rest
S- 1 hour walk
S - 30 minute jog

Any ideas on which seems best? Main goal is heart health and overall fitness.