30 day shred- failure!

I am finding it hard to fit in 30 DS every single day along with my running regime!

So far I have done Sept 16-19th then 22-23rd, so I have missed 3 days so far.

Should I just give up or will I benefit at all from doing it in this way?


  • rfcollins33
    Don't give up, just try to move things around in your schedule so you can do it every day, it's just 27 minutes. When I did it, I did cardio every day as well. Of course, I don't know your schedule. But out of a 12 hour day, it's not impossible to fit it in. It has best results when done every day. Good luck, stick with it. You can do it!!
  • GettingFitterVicki
    GettingFitterVicki Posts: 82 Member
    Keep going! I also run, do zumba and visit the gym but not every day. So I've generally been doing the DVD 5-6 days a week. I've been doing zumba once a week and running at least once a week. I was running at least 3x but I've cut it down while I do the DVD.

    It's still great though. You don't have to do it every day. I've seen great results already and I'm on day 14. Already noticing changes in my core strength (which will help with running) and my arms are much more defined already. Really very pleased with it so far. I didn't do all consecutive days but I did do 10 days on level one all-together and will do the same with level 2.
  • skinnymoomoo
    skinnymoomoo Posts: 202 Member
    Stick with it x

    I had 6 days left and for some reason I just stopped, put all that I lost back on. gonna start up again though, cause I lost 4 inches off my waist in just 2 and a half weeks. I wasnt doing it every day, I missed some days and still got results x
  • jessicasloan91
    jessicasloan91 Posts: 184 Member
    Ok thanks guys! I guess I just NEED to make more time for it.. no excuses!