Working out at work

pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
I have decided to try and work out at work, going to do a mix of, running on my lunch breaks (1 hour lunch, 30min ish 5k, loads of time for shower). Also doing P90x after work or if I can fit it in in my lunchbreak.

I was just wondering how far you guys go in terms of being able to workout in your workday, not necessarily on a lunch break or in your actual day. But at your work location? I ask because I’m thinking of doubling up my kit, to keep one lot at work, one at home, so resistance bands, yoga mat, spare clothes, everything. So if I’m going to be busy in an evening and not able to workout at home I don’t have to fail and can do it quickly after work. It’s mainly to give myself more options so I can make less excuses, I have a few large spaces I can do it in.

So tell me, what do you guys do? Do you have spare kit at work?


  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I keep a spare pair of trainers (and deodorant!) in my desk drawer to go for a lunchtime power walk if other commitments mean I won't get my planned workout in, and I keep an exercise band in my handbag to do a bit of resistance training in the loo!
  • I do burst training on my lunch so I am not required to have any extras! All I need is my body, a floor, and a stop watch!
  • JCulp19
    JCulp19 Posts: 82
    I work third shift and it is usually pretty slow so I always make sure I have my good tennis shoes and extra deodorant and I ride my bike around the parking lot for an hour a night tonight I decided to run and did week 1 day 1 of couch to 5k while at work I also have resistance bands in my purse :)
  • Milziemooxx
    Milziemooxx Posts: 104 Member
    I usually go for a powerwalk at lunch times (weather permitting) which can burn some extra calories. There is a small fitness centre literally 5 mins from my work, however I have no shower at my work which is the downfall. So I think will just stick to my daily walk and then gym or swim after work. But if you can shower, then by all means pump it up whilst at work :bigsmile: x
  • pyrowill
    pyrowill Posts: 1,163 Member
    I have a shower, although it barely deserves the name. But it still works!

    Resistance bands in the loo, power walks on lunch, this is what this thread is about!! Keep it coming! The rain has stopped and my lunch break is in 2 hours, hoping the rain stays away!
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    i go for walks in my lunch and tes breaks so no extra kit required other than some deodarant/body spray just in case!! lol
  • luvbwfc
    luvbwfc Posts: 107 Member
    I go to the gym at lunchtimes. Luckily I have some flexibility in my day, so I come in earlier to get an extra 30 mins at lunch. If I wasnt doing this I know I wouldn't exercise as much as I should, because there are too many distractions/excuses in the evenings.
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    Working out at work is really how I got started. I was 327 lbs., so I wasn't busting out any p90x hotness! I did walk around our venues here and made at least 1 mile every day at lunch. Then, I got a Turbo Jam video that's only 20 minutes. I would do that in the morning before work and again at lunch and then do a longer video -- either Turbo Jam Cardio Mix #1 or Hip Hop Abs -- at night after my kids were in bed. Thennnnnn, I got a Turbo Jam Ab video and would use that every other day at work and switch videos back and forth. I did all of my workouts in my office. Would bring in my gym back, tuck it away in a corner or behind the door and kept a yoga mat under my desk. It's totally possible and worth it!
  • TankGirl71
    TankGirl71 Posts: 241 Member
    I am super lucky because there is a YMCA a block away from where I work. I walk there everyday during my lunch. I keep a gymbag stocked with shower goodies in the locker room here, bring fresh workout clothes and towel everyday. It doesn't hurt that I've reached the point in my career that no one notices if my lunches run a little more than an hour..... :-)