Calling former Diet Coke Addicts



  • Angelamu77
    Diet Dr. Pepper please.... lol

    I use to drink about 88-64 oz a day with little water. I cut back to 12oz a day (never more then 2 cans on some days) and make sure I still drink plenty of water. My weight loss has always remainned the exact same pace regardless of how much I drink or don't drink. With that being said I do feel better now that I am drinking more water.
  • kmturtle3
    kmturtle3 Posts: 556
    Also a huge Diet Coke Addict. I used to drink at least 3 a day. I still drink them, probably totals out to about 5 cans a week or so for me. I started on MFP in January of 2011 and started cutting back on Diet Coke right away. I supplement the caffeine need with green tea (LOTS OF IT) and the occasional Monster (talk about robbing Peter to pay Paul :blushing:). I have lost between 65-70 pounds so far, and would like to lose about 20 more.

    I think the BIG change is water. I drink so much water. Usually at least 12 8oz glass a day, often times more.
  • bentobee
    bentobee Posts: 321 Member
    I was a huge Diet Coke drinker and have cut waaaaay back. I'll have one when I go to the movies - so like twice a month, if that.
    I don't know that it helped my weightloss directly or not, but drinking less DC definitely got me to drink more water, and I'm sure THAT has helped my loss. :)

    Now when I drink one I feel bloated after. Maybe they always made me bloat and I never noticed it because it was my "normal".
  • Paddy31
    Paddy31 Posts: 115 Member
    Don't forget formaldehyde, well the methanol can be converted into formaldehyde somehow. I'm no expert but that does not sound like something that will go into my body. Never again, hopefully!

    Formaldehyde is a normal metabolite of many foods. It lasts about 2 minutes in a healthy body.
    I would never have thought that is a normal process in the body. What other foods? I am curious if you know.

    Alcohol and fruit. The pectins breakdown to methanol first and then formaldehyde.
  • Steel6981
    Steel6981 Posts: 154 Member
    Thanks everyone for sharing your experience! I think I'm going to cut back but not expect any extreme miracles. I have been substituting unsweetened tea for the caffiene hit and trying more water. I had heard about the insulin response as well and wondered if I would notice a difference with cravings. Any way I look at it, it can't hurt and may promote healthier habits.

    Thanks again for the info!
  • JS70
    JS70 Posts: 95 Member
    I used drink diet mt dew all day long and couldn't stop. All it took was a trip to the dentist telling me my teeth were being ruined by all of the acid in pop. I thought since it wasn't sugar it was ok but the acid is just as bad. After that visit, I quit drinking it completely. I didn't have pop for a long time and now I have an occasional one and it doesn't even really taste good anymore.
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    I used to drink a TON of diet coke. I'd drink like 2 20 oz bottles at work and more at home. I did that for a long time. I went cold turkey is like September. Surprisingly it was not that hard, I didn't really crave it. After a couple months of not having it, I hads some at thanksgiving and it didn't taste that good to me anymore. I do drink some every now and then, but just occasionally. I actually got a gulp at 7-11 today. Tasted good, but not going to be going back to all the time.

    Good luck on giving it up.

    As for the poster above. I have very bad teeth, I'm now thinking it is from all the soda I drank. Well along with acid reflux.
  • Breedy75
    Breedy75 Posts: 54 Member
    Don't forget formaldehyde, well the methanol can be converted into formaldehyde somehow. I'm no expert but that does not sound like something that will go into my body. Never again, hopefully!

    Formaldehyde is a normal metabolite of many foods. It lasts about 2 minutes in a healthy body.
    I would never have thought that is a normal process in the body. What other foods? I am curious if you know.

    Alcohol and fruit. The pectins breakdown to methanol first and then formaldehyde.

  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I used to LOVE Diet Coke to death. At restaurants, I could drink four glasses of it really quickly. One day, I noticed that I would "gain" a ton of weight after drinking it, so I cut it out. I've only indulged in Diet Coke twice since June! I say limit it and cut it out! If you want caffeine, try tea or coffee.
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    I hate to be a nay sayer but.... you should look at the internet articles about how diet soda affects your appetite. It increases your appetite and the chemicals are not good for you either.

    You should also cross reference how diet drinks affect your brain - I had surgery last year - it could have been a lot worse

    I have basically gone to water / crystal light - Have only had 3 or 4 sodas in the last month and everyone says I look a lot better too.

    Give up the diet drinks - best advice I have