Need to loose the twin skin (new to group)

My twins are 9 months old today. I can no longer say "i just had twins". No more excuses !
I was 40lbs overweight before i had them.
My overal goal after i delivered was to loose 105lbs.
65 from the pregnancy and the additional 40lbs i had gained over the past 8 years.

I lost 51 lbs in the 1st few months after i had the babies, but have been at a stand still for the past 3 or 4 months.

I can't seem to get motivated. I am always tired from lack of sleep with the babies waking up several times thru the night. Between taking care of them and working ,i just feel so tired & don't have time to cook, so i am constantly making bad eating choices...grabbing something quick. Fast food. carry out, etc.

My stomach was 52 inches the day i delivered, so i have awful strech marks and my stomach seems like it is beyond repair from the c-secion :( i hate looking at myself. It makes me so depressed.


  • Jconner30
    Jconner30 Posts: 311
    Awe... I have twin girls :smile: They just started high school and they are still (and will forever be) my 'little' angels :smile:
  • angievaughn
    angievaughn Posts: 655 Member
    My twins are 12 (girls)...just started junior high....they grow up so fast!!! I am still suffering from the effects of carrying two!!! Good luck to you!!!
  • Twinmom1221
    Twinmom1221 Posts: 191 Member
    My twins are 20 months and I totally understand how you feel. It is tough when you are up all the time and never getting rest. My suggestion is to do the best you can and remember that there will come a time when they sleep (it took a LONG time for mine to get there, but they got there).

    My suggestion is to eat breakfast at work if you work and you can do so. I kept oatmeal in my desk drawer becuase on a good day we all got out the door and nobody was in their pajamas. Eating breakfast before we left was just too much to ask.

    Feel free to friend me. Twins are amazing and eventhough they cause our bodies to go all to heck, they are really worth it. The day they start playing with each other makes you realize why you are so lucky to have two.
  • samanthahobson
    Try not to be so down on yourself. Sure, the look of the stretched out skin is not visually appealing to you, but look at the reson for why it looks that way - you carried two beautiful children in that belly! You can make fast food choices that are better than others, and lack of sleep can not only cause stress, which will affect your progress, but also cause you to make less than optimal choices when you do eat.
    50 lbs in 9 months is great! Don't give up! You'll get over the hump. Good luck!
  • TanyaR2
    TanyaR2 Posts: 7 Member
    My twins just turned 11mths...I too can no longer say I just had twins!! I completly understand the lack of time to be eating healthy let alone exercise, but it is something that has now made it to the top of my list as I want to be able to run around and keep up with them as they grow I don't want to be sitting on the side lines trying to catch my breath!!
    Good luck!
  • jennlaurin80
    Thank you for the encouragement, its really nice to have people to relate to !

    I am going to try to walk the babies every that it isnt so hot out, i think the exersize will help !
    I need to just stick with it...its so easy to fall off track.
    I stepped on the scale this morning and i had gained 7 lbs after i just recently lost 6. That was a punch to the stomach :(
    That made me go thru my lunch i had packed fort his morning for work and i threw away the chips and added a salad instead.
    I hope to stay motivated and stick to eating healthy !
    I just need to make it thru this awful teething phase, then i think we might all get some sleep. My husband is gone from 1p-330am, so its just me 6 days a week. I think once i start getting more sleep it will help with not being too tired to exersize !

    Those with older twins ----it's great to see you survived them, that gives me hope :) haha
  • lbtewksbury
    lbtewksbury Posts: 147 Member
    My twin boys are 19 , I can remember thinking is my stomach always going to look like this, it was literally split in the middle, of course it didn't and it seems like yesterday. I agree with the other posters don''t be hard on yourself , enjoy your heathly babies and do the best you can. It's been a long journey for me , but mine are in college now and all the sacrifices have been well worth the way, my twins were 7lbs4oz and 7lbs6oz at birth , I gained 65 pounds carrying them( I lost it pretty quick because I nursed them) but weight continued to be a struggle for me because of the reasons you said . My best advice is make small changes so that you are not so overwhelmed. Healthy snacks, walking them in the stroller in the evenings, etc....
  • feydruss
    feydruss Posts: 349 Member
    My twins are 9 months old (nearly 8 corrected), so I don't have that excuse anymore either! I was overweight when I got pregnant, then I gained 50lbs when pregnant with them, then lost 30lbs within a week of having them, then I got stuck after that! No excuses, just spent too long eating what I want and not being allowed to exercise, and got into bad habits!

    Feel free to friend me!
  • RachelMinAus
    RachelMinAus Posts: 12 Member
    My twins are nearly 7 and my daughter is 5 1/2 and I remember after I had my boys I cried and was devastated that my super fit flat stomach looked so awful. ;( I lost all my weight and sadly put 50 pounds back on. My stomach doesn't look as bad but once I reach goal will be having a tummy tuck as I know I don't want to forever hate the way I look!!!!

    Just look at your gorgeous babies and take them for walks and just think in 5 pound increments and you'll get there!!I
  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    Welcome to MFP, and good luck on your weight loss journey!!!!!
  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    Welcome to MFP, and good luck on your weight loss journey!!!!!