Hi, Im new here

cremington Posts: 1
edited October 1 in Introduce Yourself
Good Morning - I am Cremington and this is my first attempt to lose weight using this particular type of motivation. I lost 30 pounds right after my hysterectomy one year ago, unfortunately I have gained it back plus some, mostly because I quit exercising. I need encouragement and motivation and in return, I promise to not make excuses for everything that I do when I know I shouldn't. :happy:


  • Welcome ;o)

    This is a great start to get to your goal .. I am sort of new here and i am really liking having one place to record all my daily efforts
    ( like food intake and exercise ) i especially like the motivational thingy at the end of a day . I always think ok i can do another day like today.. walking is the easiest exercise to incorporate into the day .. good luck and lets do this thing one day at a time..
  • stefnicole
    stefnicole Posts: 106
  • Welcome. I joined just over a month ago and I'm so glad I did. It makes it so easy to track your calories and exercise - no more excuses!!! I have lost 18 pounds since the end of June but have a lot more to go. If you want to add me as a friend, I could be one of your encouragers. Make today count - you can do! Even if it's just one small change, it makes a difference in the end.
  • dorisholaway
    dorisholaway Posts: 531 Member
    Welcome aboard. Feel free to add me as a friend. I think having many friends on here gives me such support and motivation. I try to comment on others posts most days, but some days I am unable to.
  • welcome and feel free to add...best of luck on your new journey!!!!!
  • Hi Cremington, I'm fairly new as well. You'll do fine. Just stay on the message boards and see what other folks are doing and don't forget to blog. Writing it out and actually reading it will provide you motivation as well. It's just something about putting something in writing that makes it soooo real............
  • I am not new to weight loss and its struggles but I am new to an online approach. wish me luck
  • Hi! My name is Nancy. I have been overweight for the past 23 years after having a baby. I know no excuses but that is when my metabolism changed and my eating habits didn't. I started my weight lost journey back in 2008. I originally lost 65 lbs. losing it slowly. However, I didn't stay on any maintenance plan, so I gained 30 of it back. I attempted a second time to lose some more again and then I gained some of that back. I never wanted to be a yo-yo dieter. Oh well. This is my third attempt at really dedicating myself. I have learned from my past diet mistakes that keeping a food journal, eating healthy foods and proportions, and exercising regularly is essential. I really like My Fitness Pal's website because it helps me keep track of everything. I love it! I am determined to reach my goal weight this time around and keep it off for good. : ) I have lost 4 lbs. so far since starting this and have 34 more to go to reach MY desired weight. I do need encouragement though. So, please add me as a friend. We can encourage each other. Good luck!
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