So unmotivated



  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Hooray for you! You are so right -- do what you can do. If it is 10 minutes today, that is 10 minutes. Maybe it will be more tomorrow. Many people find that doing something good for themselves makes them want to de even more Good luck!
  • lgwmab
    lgwmab Posts: 274 Member
    It's not easy, it really is forcing yourself, but once you get in a method it's easier, including the food area. I like trying to do muscle building things in the morning, crucnches, push-ups, squats, and leg raises, and cardio things in the evening. It's finding what works best for you. I make the walks my alone time, grab my ipod, listen to music I enjoy, and make it my "me" time. Also their are some daily challanges, to get you to push yourself. Feel free to friend me if you'd like.
  • runslikeagirl
    runslikeagirl Posts: 140 Member
    You have to find something that you love to do! I LOVE to run and I want to do it ALL the time. I look forward to doing it.
  • lucythinmint
    you have to want it. I use before and after pictures to motivate me. Take some photos and post them around the house.

    It sounds vain to want to look at your pictures that often but I agree with this whole heartedly! I see changes and I get so pumped to keep it going that I usually don't find any reasons not to go!

    Its so hard at first. You really do have to just want it bad enough.

    Good Luck!
  • karen90631
    If I were you, I wouldn't focus on weight loss, exercise, etc.. IMHO, you should put all your efforts only into being fully aware and keeping track only. As uncomfortable as it is to be in the red and be over, the key to failure is unconsciousness, and so the key to success is consciousness - to be fully aware of everything you are doing.

    I've been at times when I would consistently go over and be in the red. The weight would still be adding up, and I would feel terrible. But still, I'd log it in the app. Eventually I came around (now maintaining my once thought impossible dream goal weight - surpassing my "realistic" goal weight) .

    But most people can't take the emotional dissonance of keeping track of their "failures" and drop off into unconscious eating. Don't be most people! Be you!
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    Hooray for you! Believe it or not, after a few months of working out you will begin to miss it when you don't do it. Not necessarily love it--just miss it. Sort of like not brushing your teeth. It just won't feel right. Good luck. Keep us posted on your exercise routine!!
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    So very true. Accountability is a big key. Even on the days we don't want to face the scale or the food diary, doing it will keep us aware of what we are eating and one day lead us to do better.
  • bbuckeye2724
    I always tell myself on the days I don't feel like exercising are the days I need it the most. You just make yourself go a few times and then you get to the point where you have/need to go. I get antsy when I can't go to the gym now. I am nowhere near my goal but have definitely gotten into my exercising routine. I feel good to see the progress made so far and that makes me want to push myself further.
    Log into MFP and post it on your wall, having that support and encouragement often makes it easier.
    Good luck, you can do this! Start small, change one thing at a time.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    you are on this site for a reason: to feel better and to get healthier. losing weight and building muscle are just side effects of those two things. you made a great first step in signing up to MFP, because now you can and will be held accountable for what you eat. you just have to find ways to exercise 30 minutes a day.

    me, i have my jillian micheals dvds infront of my xbox. if i want to play video games or watch a movie on it hat day, i do one dvd first. one 30 minute work out and i treat myself with an hour of a movie or video game.
  • ahadj
    ahadj Posts: 257 Member
    You just have to do it. You know you've got it in you, you just might have to dig a little. You got this!

    "you just have to do it" -- arguably the best advice I've seen on MFP, ever!