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I do a monthly assessment with my trainer at the gym. We do measurements, fitness assessments and body fat percentages.

Starting LBM: 162.3
Current LBM: 168.8 (6.3 lbs. of muscle in 4 months)

Starting Body fat %: 31.8%
Current Body fat %: 22.3%

Starting weight at weigh in :238 (actually 245, but I lost some before joining)
Current weight at weigh in: 217


  • sbarrett7171
    sbarrett7171 Posts: 65 Member
    Funny thing is.......plug my numbers into a BMI calculator and it says that I am still obese, when in actuality, about another 20 lbs. would put me in my target weight range. Peculiar
  • mgmlap
    mgmlap Posts: 1,377 Member
    first off...congrats..second..BMI does not take into consideration how much of the weight is actually its good that you know how much muscle you have...
  • h3h8m3
    h3h8m3 Posts: 455 Member
    Congrats on the awesome change! Would you be willing to share what your regime has been? I assume a good amount of resistance training and eating at a calorie deficit, but I'm interested in details if you are willing to share.

    Also, what do they use to assess your body fat %?
  • sbarrett7171
    sbarrett7171 Posts: 65 Member
    I've been doing a mix of cardio/strentgth training every other day with a few miles on the treadmill on the in between days....sometimes a stairmaster or even running bleachers. I try to eat according to a Primal/Paleo style as much as possible
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