sore feet quick remedies

Colfiii Posts: 124 Member
edited October 2024 in Fitness and Exercise

I ran yesterday for the first time ever 11k and I now my feet , especially the calves ( and the lower part around my Achile's ) feel stiff, sore and pain. What quick remedies would you reccomend me ? Should I keep there ice , warm water, dunno ... take some pills ?
Thanks a lot any advice would be appreciated.


  • Aesop101
    Aesop101 Posts: 758 Member
    New shoes! You should stretch before and after.

    Great job btw!
  • I found a little treat that helps the muscles relax - epsom bath salts in a warm or hot bath. Soak for 15-20 min and you'll fell completely new =) Good job!
  • carteremma
    carteremma Posts: 52 Member
    I know it is a bit late for my advice now, but stretching after running. I have been going to physio for the last month for leg pain when I am running, and he is always telling me how important it is to spend as much time as you can spare stretching after.

    The best strech for you to do now and after running is to stand with your hands against a wall or post so you are leaning slightly forward and put on foot back sinking the heel into the ground and hold it for at least 20 seconds then swap. Do this 3 times, and if you can do it a few times a day you will find the pain easing. (if that's not clear google calf stretches)
  • watcherII
    watcherII Posts: 56 Member
    wow! congrats on your achievement!! i've worked on my feet for years now, and a few things have worked for me. advil helps with the pain, and reduces any swelling or inflamation. gentle massage works for calf muscles, use a good lotion or cream and rub it on in long, firm but gentle strokes. for feet, i have a strange but effective trick: get some good cream, not lotion, as it should be very emollient, and rub in on your feet. use plenty of cream. after you've got it rubbed on good, which will feel good enough, grab a towel. hold one end of the towel in each hand and put your foot in the center of the loop you've made, extending your leg so that the towel is taut. then pull back and forth with your hands, briskly rubbing your foot with the towel. it feels wonderful! it massages your foot, and helps exfoliate calluses. just keep moving your foot to get all of it treated. i stumbled on to this one morning after waitressing a graveyard shift, i had put too much cream on my foot and was too tired and sore to wipe it off normally, lol. try it, you won't be sorry! give your muscles a rest today, but move and massage them enough so they don't get tight and more sore. hope this helps, and hope you feel better soon!
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