Please Help Me!

Options this is about the umpteenth time I have started MFP. I don't know whats wrong with me...why i choose to lose the same 15lbs over and over and over. It has to end, I am so uncomfortable in my own skin...i wan't me back.

I got on the scale this morning and it was an even 200lb....thats it, i'm only 5'2"....thats just too much. What drives the successful ones here, how do you not lose focus. I know that it is in me, and my decision...

If anyone knows of a good motivation group for those of us that are impatient and lose focus, please let me know!!! Thanks and here's to another go at my weight loss!


  • Starleng1
    Starleng1 Posts: 142
    I'm right there with you. Let's see if we can get a group together?
  • asoune
    asoune Posts: 2 Member
    I know exactly how you feel! My problem is I start to see progress and then start eating badly and then gain the weight right back. Maybe we can try to help motivate each other. I am at the around the same weight and am trying to get to 145-150. Best of luck!
  • SueGeer
    SueGeer Posts: 1,169 Member
    Welcome back!!!! You CAN do it! Your inspiration?? That little chap you're holding.......

    Sue :smile: x
  • tmiqueen
    tmiqueen Posts: 254 Member
    Find ways to reward yourself in a non-food way every time you hit a mini goal. You can make that mini goal 5 or 10 lbs. When you hit that goal, reward yourself. Then, make the next reward bigger and better! When you hit your final goal, REALLY reward yourself! THEN, to KEEP the weight off, reward yourself for every week you maintain your weight!
  • Happy0326
    Happy0326 Posts: 159 Member
    I can tell you I have been in your exact same boat & still trying to get out. : ) I am 4' 11" & got to my heaviest weight ever in my life 219 was SHOCKED. I didn't even decide at that moment to do something about it. It still took another month for me to really get focused. LOGGING in EVERYDAY first started my interest. Then reading everyone's stories & looking at the journeys some have gone through...some started at a weight the same or more than myself. I just said ok...I CAN & WILL DO THIS!!! so yes it has to be inside of YOU!! But one thing I know is just keep loggin in you will get the motivation, encouragement & support we all need.
  • Aokark
    Aokark Posts: 25
    Well I think it's important to see this as something permanent, a lifestyle change and not think too much about how many pounds you want to lose.

    Of course you may want a goal to get some motivation but try and pick out things in your life that you WANT to change.

    If you aren't very active, try and find something active that you enjoy. Most of the times we try and do things by ourselves but it leads to a temporary thing. If you have friends, ask them if they want to do a weekly activity.

    Go through your weekly diet and see if there is something bad that you're eating a little too often of. Maybe a snack that's not that great or soda every now and then.

    When I was a kid, we used to have something called "Saturday candy". Candy/snacks was only to be eaten on Saturdays. That could help you set a mental schedule not to eat bad snacks whenever you feel like it.

    It's hard to cut down on things completely, and sometimes doing things to drastic can make you lose motivation. Think long-term pleasure over quick instant pleasure.

    EDIT: Plus what everyone else said :-P

    EDIT 2: Activity doesn't have to be a sport, to add something to what some were saying about giving yourself a reward. I know some girls tend to like shopping :-P Walking around in stores for a couple of hours burns a lot of calories... When you've reached a set goal, buy something for yourself.
  • ursy87
    ursy87 Posts: 287
    Absolutely been there, on and off for the past 25 years if I am honest with myself, losing 7lbs, regaining 14, losing 5lb regaining 9lbs over and over, until things became too much to ignore health wise. This time is THE time, it has to be, no more 2nd,3rd,18th can do this...:smile:
  • phlumpet
    phlumpet Posts: 106 Member
    I don't know if this will help but when I first started MFP, I was tempted to quit because my eating habits were to restrict calories for a few days, then binge on a pan of brownies and anything I could shove into my mouth. At first, my final calorie count on MFP was hundreds below my recommended intake (in hindsight, bad). Then when I went on vacation and splurged, I was so embarrassed when I tallied everything I ate up at the end of the day, I wanted to quit. I didn't want to look at the numbers! And I kept going over my calorie total for several days! But I'm thankful I didn't give up on MFP even on the bad days and drop this diet altogether. My advice would be even if you slip, which I still do from time to time, DON'T stop recording everything in MFP. I think MFP makes it easier to motivate yourself - you can start over the next day, and take it day by day. And to be honest, using this does not feel like a diet but adopting a healthy lifestyle. I'm finally learning for the first time in my life how to balance healthy nutrition and exercise and I'm gaining more muscle tone and losing a little weight. I feel like this is something I could do for the rest of my life.

    What type of exercise do you use? I do home workout videos and I like to run, but my cousin who has more pounds to lose than I is raving lately about Curves. Also, the good news is, the more weight you carry, the more calories you seem to burn while doing cardio exercise. Honestly, my biggest motivation to exercise more has been so I can eat more lol! And MFP makes me confident knowing exactly how much more I can eat.
  • Jenna70
    Jenna70 Posts: 130 Member
    Keep trying different things to stay motivated. These are some things that work for me:

    1) Add full length mirror(s) around the house... even in the kitchen if you can (any size). This helps force me to SEE how big I am every day since I can mentally block it if I don't see it.
    2) Write a list of reasons to lose weight and get fit and read it every morning. Can be things like able to walk up stairs without getting out of breath, be healthier to live a longer life, be able to keep up with _______ (insert child's name) as he/she grows, etc. I feel more centered mentally when I work out, so that is also a motivation for me.
    3) If you have old photos of you at your goal weight (as I do from high school and my 20's) get out some favorites and post them on a bulletin board along with current photos of yourself (I am sure you hate the current ones if you are anything like me!). When I look at the old thin me it is a visual reminder that I want that girl back!

    I am also short (@ 5' 3 1/2") and currently weigh 224 (weighed in today, down 10 lbs!). My goal weight is 140, what I approximately weighed in high school. Some days are harder than others and I want the weight off instantly, but it took some years to put it on and I am committed to spending the next year getting rid of the fat and getting healthy again. Just trying to keep the positive mind set and stay focused.
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want and good luck to you! :)
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    You can do it. You have to plan for success. You must buy foods that are needed to be healthy. Next you must set up workouts like the are mandatory meetings. Make small changes along the way. That little person on your ticker is all the motivation you need. He needs you here, healthy, and happy.