I love having a cup of coffee every once in awhile but I am one of those people who likes a little coffee with her creamer. I noticed that creamer can add a lot of calories and fat but I cannot stand the taste of black coffee. How do you make your coffee sweeter without a lot of calories?


  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    skim milk! just a couple of tablespoons will do!
  • ashesoh1234
    ashesoh1234 Posts: 132 Member
    Sugar free syrups
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Almond milk helps. Don't opt for sugar free sweeteners as they've shown to lead to weight gain. I use regular cream, 2 tbsp with 1 tsp of agave nectar. Agave nectar is a sweet, light syrup with a low glycemic index. It's wonderful! So my cup of coffee comes in at around 60 ish calories, and I try to limit myself to 2 cups a day. If I can keep my coffee under 150 cals per day, I'm happy

    I know that I worked my way down to less cream and sugar over time. Tapering over 6 weeks can help you adjust your taste buds. Do it very slowly, and you'll soon be enjoying a cup of coffee without all the added fat and sugar. Buying high quality coffee also helps with this. You don't have to work as hard to cover up the flavor. Try kopi luwak or Kona (I see you ride equestrian, you can probably afford
  • closermotion
    closermotion Posts: 65 Member
    i looove flavored coffees. i usually drink mine black, but i know many customers who are happy with the flavored coffee and just a little skim, 2%, or soy. it takes time to get used to, though.
  • zarozinia
    zarozinia Posts: 67 Member
    I was a dedicated half & half drinker with my coffee (ie. would you like some coffee with that half & half?) for YEARS until I finally realized it was loaded with massive calories. So, I started putting whole milk in my coffee, then worked down to 2%, and now I'm at 1%, or soy if it's available. It's been a few years of transition, but now I can't drink coffee with half & half because it tastes almost sour to me. Also, I put way less milk in my coffee now, but that's just a shifting personal preference. Also, I realized I stopped drinking as much coffee once I wasn't loading it up with milk and sugar. I'm at single cup a day now, whereas before I was drinking venti lattes 2 or more times a day.

    Weaning yourself off the creamer can be done!
  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member
    I cannot drink black coffee straight,

    got a frother that heats and foams the milk,

    so into my black coffee goes splenda or sugar free syrup then I add splenda to almond milk, froth, and then pour into coffee,

    the foam covers the black coffee, yes some does mix in, but what is happening is that it is fooling my eye,

    my taste buds really cannot taste the almond milk,

    have tried just plain almond milk, but it just turns my coffee gray, uck,

    this foaming method really works for me

    saves calories,

    for now this is my way of coping,

    do not send me messages about artificial blah blah, personally I know that diabetes is more dangerous than splenda,

    I have 2 cups a day, 38 calories each, well worth it, yum
  • zarozinia
    zarozinia Posts: 67 Member
    Agave nectar is a sweet, light syrup with a low glycemic index. It's wonderful!

    My mom (from whom I inherited my coffee drinking preferences) loves the agave nectar (if you have a Trader Joe's nearby, they sell it with their honey), but I find it is WAY too sweet for me now that I've also weaned myself off the sugar for the most part. A little bit goes a long way, for sure!

    I also used to substitute honey for refined sugar, but then I realized there's very little caloric difference between the two in the amounts I was using (not very much), so I typically just use sugar for sake of convenience. :)
  • EMQuinn52
    EMQuinn52 Posts: 15 Member
    Oh my gosh!! I am the same way!! I use FF International Delight everyday at about 1/3 cup (!!) in my tall cup of coffee. I hate it any less sweet! I tried just giving it up, but I REALLY miss it during my "me" time in the am's before my kids get up and got the expected MAJOR migraines. I've tried almond milk with Splenda and YUCK! :(. I wish I could find a way to either: a) have it sweet without all the calories. b) learn to like it much less sweet. c) give it up completely and get over the headaches. In that order.

    I'd love some ideas to sweeten it up without all of the creamer.

    However, I know...I just NEED to give it up :'(
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member

    do not send me messages about artificial blah blah, personally I know that diabetes is more dangerous than splenda,

    Splenda aint gonna do a damn thing to prevent diabetes, but ok...
  • dancingj2
    dancingj2 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I use a bit of 1% milk. It does not lighten it as much as cream but it does take the edge off of black coffee.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    You could also try switching to a skim latte with just a little sugar. It's lighter and less acidic than a cup of black coffee. More calories, but you are also getting protein and NO FAT. You just can't have that many in a day...
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    I usually use Stevia to sweeten mine up. Zero calories and natural.

    A splash of skim milk is good if you want a little creaminess. I think there are also fat free creamers (like international delight or coffeemate) that are lower in calories.
  • spyork
    spyork Posts: 187

    To be fair i wouldn't worry about the calories or fat in the creamer as the ammount will be so small. Unless your chugging a pint at a time!! I always have semi-skimmed milk with my morning coffee and sometimes cream on a weekend.

    Enjoy your coffee and walk up a flight of stairs to burn the creamer off if it's giving you a guilt trip.

  • firegirley
    firegirley Posts: 86 Member
    Sweet & Low, flavored coffee (usually hazelnut or FV for me!!) and vanilla or chocolate LIGHT Soy milk. YUM!!
  • EMQuinn52
    EMQuinn52 Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks Scott. When I calculate out the calories, I understand it really isn't that much (130 or so), but 1 serving is 1 tsp and I'm going through a big thing of cream more than once a week. Its $4.00 or so a bottle and my husband is on me for that. Although, now saying it out loud...I do at least make my own coffee and never buy it and he hits his local 7-Eleven at least once a day during the week. Hmm...I may have to reconsider feeling bad about how much of it I'm drinking }:o(

    Fooey on him!

  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member
    artificial sweetener per se will not prevent diabetes, but being fat from too many calories from whatever source will certainly contribute,

    I use many crutches on my road to health and if the use of artificial sweeteners now can help in my weight management I am going to use them,

    those that choose to buy into the hype may not so choose, fine, but right now I need ALL the help I can get,

    coffee has been shown in tests to help weight loss, yes slightly and in moderation, so since I drink my 2 cups per day I am using artificial sweetener,

    perhaps there will come a day when I am a total vegan who grows here own veg organically but for now just getting off the sugar and cream is part of my plan
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    artificial sweetener per se will not prevent diabetes, but being fat from too many calories from whatever source will certainly contribute,

    ...and artificial sweeteners have been shown to CAUSE weight gain
  • jbootman
    jbootman Posts: 145 Member
    not in me, sugar starts horrid appetite out of control in me,

    I had ordered some crystal light that had some sugar in it, did not realize, thought it all was sugar free and I just was going nuts, could not stick to plan, this went on for weeks, when I finally realized and got the sf stuff and I was fine, no cravings for the entire refrigerator,

    sorry I am weak, and will fight the artificial sweetener battle later, like after I have lost enough to care, right now I have lost enough to feel so much better and just do not think the artificial sweetener bashers science is valid, but then I am a degree-ed scientist who knows how to read a study,

    sorry I think that there are other things to worry about than some pkts of splenda or equal