starting today - help!

Hi everyone, well this is day one and I already feel like I will be walking uphill the whole way. How can I start off positively? I'd (unrealistically!) like to see an instant weight loss of many pounds - that would give me an incentive. That's not going to happen, so can I be motivated at the beginning? Once I get going I know I can keep it up but this bit is hard


  • joanne123
    Hi everyone, well this is day one and I already feel like I will be walking uphill the whole way. How can I start off positively? I'd (unrealistically!) like to see an instant weight loss of many pounds - that would give me an incentive. That's not going to happen, so can I be motivated at the beginning? Once I get going I know I can keep it up but this bit is hard
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!! It is harder at the beginning, but envision yourself at your goal happy you'll be....turning heads...whatever your goal may be! Anything you want to last will take a while to acheive. I always think...I have been miserable for so long, what's a few more months of not being "tiny" if at the end I will be!!! You can totally acheive your just need to be patient. I read stories on this site and that's what motivates me. I now make healthy food choices and exercise every single day. And I have lost 12 pounds since November, even with a little draw back over the holidays. So, stick with it, find ways to motivate yourself, and feel free to ask me or anyone else on this site for some support! We are all here for each other! And WE CAN ALL DO IT!!!!!:bigsmile:

    Good luck!

  • Eve23
    Eve23 Posts: 2,352 Member
    It can be hard at the beginning. But you are worth it. Watch how your clothes start to feel. I know its not immediate but it does make you excited when you start thinking about being able to trade in you clothes for smaller sizes. Picture yourself and how you want to look. I do this while I am wishing I didn't have to be on the treadmill.

    You can do this and there is alot of support here. Make some friends it helps when you are looking forward to a note from someone else.

  • diannholland1965
    diannholland1965 Posts: 782 Member
    I heard on Biggest Loser once…
    Today is the day that tomorrows are made.
    I think that fits for all of the newbees we have you included. So, Welcome aboard!
    I have a suggestion that “I” do for motivation.
    First: make a list of things you want or want to do.
    Make sure that these things are things that YOU can afford.
    Things like a spa day, getting nails done, getting hair professionally styled, buying a new pair of shoes, Going out of town for a shopping trip, Seeing a movie, etc.
    Second: Split this list into 2 sections. One for lesser things, one for bigger things.
    IE getting nails done is a lesser, going out of town is more.
    Third: Now on a separate piece of paper, at the top put you’re starting weight.
    Then list down the page what you will weigh – (you pick an amount, in small increments Like of 2 or 3). And what I call big numbers like the 5 and 10 pound mark.
    On the 2 and 3 pound losses add a small goal item, on the 5 and 10 pound goals add a bigger item with 10 pounds being the biggest.
    This will keep your goals fresh and you have something to work for.
    MIND YOU DO NOT MAKE A GOAL A FOOD THING! No need to lose 5 pounds over time and put it back on in one day!
  • joanne123
    thank you so much, cant believe you are all out there! New to all this onliine talking but will soon get the hang of it! Its late here now so off to bed, will be starting tomorrow with a good state of mind, maybe even a swim! Hope to talk soon
  • joanne123
    ooh should have said this seems like a good reward system which I will put into action. Thanks very much
  • jilly30
    jilly30 Posts: 43
    I hear you, it is very hard to get started. The first week I think is the worst because you are adjusting to everything. I just signed on here today because i so need support. I also started the whole diet & excercise thing yesterday. it's tough because you don't get results right away, but you can do it if I can:wink:
  • joanne123
    thanks, yes, its so hard to change routines. Its good to know there are others out there who are on the first or second day too. I came home for lunch today and made soup which I was so excited about - I don't often cook what I would call 'proper' recipes so I was very pleased with myself. Even more pleased when I ate it this evening! It was simply delicious.