
I still have 1600 calories to eat for today to reach my goal for getting fat for today. I can’t hope to eat that much. I just started this thing as fun, but now I am really beginning to invest time into it. A few pounds at a time, it’s a marathon not a sprint.


  • dayzeerock
    dayzeerock Posts: 918 Member
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    I say.. grab a pizza and some ice cream :bigsmile:
  • Sgriffin2382
    Sgriffin2382 Posts: 360 Member
    Peanut butter is always a good choice!
  • thebunnies
    thebunnies Posts: 168
    peanut butter, lean protein, beans, and protein shakes.. make them your best-friend in order to bulk up the healthy way. don't binge-eat on unhealthy foods!