Spinach the truth. OMG

adross3 Posts: 606 Member
Nutritional Benefits

Spinach is one of the most nutrient-packed vegetables and its raw juice is an excellent source of chlorophyll. It is also a superb source of vitamins A, B complex, C, E, K, carotenes, folate, manganese, calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, some trace elements and many valuable amino acids.

The minerals in spinach is highly alkaline, making it helpful in regulating the body pH. It supplies the same amount of protein as you would get from the same quantity of meat¾a cheaper and healthier alternative to getting protein. Pound for pound.

Health Benefits

Acidosis: Its alkaline minerals are essential for cleaning out the tissues and maintaining the alkalinity of the blood, making it effective in combating acidosis.

Anemia: The high grade content of iron in spinach makes it a great blood builder. It regenerates and reactivates the red blood cells and supplies fresh oxygen to the body.

Anti-inflammatory: The high alkalinity properties in spinach makes it the perfect choice of food for people suffering inflammatory ailments, like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Atherosclerosis: The folic acid and the anti-oxidants in spinach helps lower the homocysteine level, reducing the risks of atherosclerosis.

Bleeding gums: Spinach juice when combined with carrot juice, effectively restore this disorder caused by deficiency of vitamin C and too much consumption of refined sugar.

Cancer: The fine chlorophyll and carotene (lutein) found in spinach is beneficial in fighting and preventing cancer. A variety of flavonoid compounds found in this vegetable are powerful anti-oxidants and anti-cancer agents. Studies have shown that properties in spinach slows down cancerous cell division, especially in cancers of the breast, cervical, prostate, stomach, and skin.

Digestive tracts: The high fiber content in spinach makes it a remarkable intestinal tract scrubber. It cleans out the system by removing the accumulated wastes in the digestive tracts by its mildly laxative effect. More importantly, it also repairs, heals and nourishes the tracts and tones up their functions. An excellent help for constipation, colitis, poor digestion or stomach ulcers.

Eye problem: The abundance content of vitamin A and carotenoids help prevent age-related eye problems. When combined with endive and carrot juice, it effectively helps prevent macular degeneration, nightblindness, and the development of cataracts.

High blood pressure: A recent study also shows that certain protein compounds in spinach are beneficial in lowering high blood pressure.

Osteoporosis: The high content of vitamin K is essential in anchoring calcium in bones, making it important to bone health.

Pregnancy and lactation: Being a rich supplier of folic acid and iron, spinach juice provides the required nutrients that are necessary for the development of the foetus, preventing threatened abortion and accidental hemorrhage. Consumption of spinach juice also improves the quality and quantity of the lactating mother.


  • shelbygeorge29
    shelbygeorge29 Posts: 263 Member
    Love it so much!!! And it's so versatile, you can put it in almost anything.
  • whatsyour1020
    excellent post, thanks :)
  • lmbame905
    lmbame905 Posts: 84 Member
    Just had spinach at lunch!! Thanks for reminding me why!!
  • 623Hernandez
    Thanks for the post!
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Love . . . love. .. love this post. . I definitely love eating my spinach. . . . This is a great reference for people thank you so much for sharing it.:bigsmile:
  • change_happens
    Nutritional Benefits

    Spinach is one of the most nutrient-packed vegetables and its raw juice is an excellent source of chlorophyll. It is also a superb source of vitamins A, B complex, C, E, K, carotenes, folate, manganese, calcium, iron, iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, some trace elements and many valuable amino acids.

    The minerals in spinach is highly alkaline, making it helpful in regulating the body pH. It supplies the same amount of protein as you would get from the same quantity of meat¾a cheaper and healthier alternative to getting protein.

    To top

    Health Benefits

    Acidosis: Its alkaline minerals are essential for cleaning out the tissues and maintaining the alkalinity of the blood, making it effective in combating acidosis.

    Anemia: The high grade content of iron in spinach makes it a great blood builder. It regenerates and reactivates the red blood cells and supplies fresh oxygen to the body.

    Anti-inflammatory: The high alkalinity properties in spinach makes it the perfect choice of food for people suffering inflammatory ailments, like osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

    Atherosclerosis: The folic acid and the anti-oxidants in spinach helps lower the homocysteine level, reducing the risks of atherosclerosis.

    Bleeding gums: Spinach juice when combined with carrot juice, effectively restore this disorder caused by deficiency of vitamin C and too much consumption of refined sugar.

    Cancer: The fine chlorophyll and carotene (lutein) found in spinach is beneficial in fighting and preventing cancer. A variety of flavonoid compounds found in this vegetable are powerful anti-oxidants and anti-cancer agents. Studies have shown that properties in spinach slows down cancerous cell division, especially in cancers of the breast, cervical, prostate, stomach, and skin.

    Digestive tracts: The high fiber content in spinach makes it a remarkable intestinal tract scrubber. It cleans out the system by removing the accumulated wastes in the digestive tracts by its mildly laxative effect. More importantly, it also repairs, heals and nourishes the tracts and tones up their functions. An excellent help for constipation, colitis, poor digestion or stomach ulcers.

    Eye problem: The abundance content of vitamin A and carotenoids help prevent age-related eye problems. When combined with endive and carrot juice, it effectively helps prevent macular degeneration, nightblindness, and the development of cataracts.

    High blood pressure: A recent study also shows that certain protein compounds in spinach are beneficial in lowering high blood pressure.

    Osteoporosis: The high content of vitamin K is essential in anchoring calcium in bones, making it important to bone health.

    Pregnancy and lactation: Being a rich supplier of folic acid and iron, spinach juice provides the required nutrients that are necessary for the development of the foetus, preventing threatened abortion and accidental hemorrhage. Consumption of spinach juice also improves the quality and quantity of the lactating mother.

    Never knew all of this about spinach. I eat a lot of spinach a day. And I love my spinach smoothies :)
  • SRH7
    SRH7 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I always have chopped and baby leaf frozen spinach in my freezer - fantastic for putting into a curry (makes it look really authentic!).
  • teamnevergoingback
    teamnevergoingback Posts: 368 Member
    I knew I liked spinach, but now I know why! Thanks for that!!!!!
  • NeverStopRunning
    This is why I eat fresh spinach daily. I love it and it is good for me!
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    It supplies the same amount of protein as you would get from the same quantity of meat¾a cheaper and healthier alternative to getting protein.

    This is completely FALSE!! 1 cup of spinach has a measly 1 g of protein, where on earth this stat come rom?????
  • mamashatzie
    mamashatzie Posts: 238 Member
    I'm not a fan of the taste- too bitter for me- but I put it in a smoothie almost every day. :)
  • grendel322
    grendel322 Posts: 105 Member
    Not to mention it makes you strong to the finichk. :) Spinach is awesome, raw, boiled, creamed, roasted...it's good all ways!
  • walkdmc
    walkdmc Posts: 529 Member
    I love baby spinach...the "adult" spinach, not so much.

    I just ate a Lebanese Spinach Pie! I already feel healthier. I also add baby spinach to smoothies and saute it with garlic and olive oil....yummm.
  • Thriceshy
    Thriceshy Posts: 707 Member
    I eat it almost daily because it's the easiest way to get my potassium up there. A little spinach, plus some watermelon or honeydew, and I'm golden!

  • dixiech1ck
    dixiech1ck Posts: 769 Member
    I always buy at least 2 bags of it at Aldi. I eat it in my egg white omelette, my sanwiches (in place of lettuce) and sauteed with a little garlic with dinner. YUM!
  • lockef
    lockef Posts: 466
    This is completely FALSE!! 1 cup of spinach has a measly 1 g of protein, where on earth this stat come rom?????

    I think it means pound for pound, so I wouldn't call it a good alternative for your protein source. I don't think it'd be realistic to eat 1/2 pound of spinach in one sitting.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    It supplies the same amount of protein as you would get from the same quantity of meat¾a cheaper and healthier alternative to getting protein.

    This is completely FALSE!! 1 cup of spinach has a measly 1 g of protein, where on earth this stat come rom?????
    You are right. It is pound for pound. .
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    Spinach is good, yes. I especially love baby spinach. However, my understanding is that it has a high oxalic acid content which means that it inhibits iron absorbtion. In order to absorb more of the iron from spinach, or any high oxalic food, it is a good idea to pair it with a fruit or vegetable that has a good amount of vitamin C, which enhances the absorbtion.
  • carrie1128
    carrie1128 Posts: 267 Member
    I love spinach. Cooked or raw. I love it with red onions as a salad or cooked down and tossed with hot pasta, garlic and some olive oil.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Spinach is good, yes. I especially love baby spinach. However, my understanding is that it has a high oxalic acid content which means that it inhibits iron absorbtion. In order to absorb more of the iron from spinach, or any high oxalic food, it is a good idea to pair it with a fruit or vegetable that has a good amount of vitamin C, which enhances the absorbtion.

    It also has something that inhibits absorbtion of calcium, so keep that in mind if you track calcium. While you may have ingested the right amount, you may need more if your meal(s) included spinach.