Data Base Accuracy

I find it really frusterating that the database is so far off sometimes. I have to reseach on other sites to find the "true" calorie content. For instance, walking 3.0 mph has so many different answers when I enter it in, sometimes a difference of 100 calories burned..... this is extremely frusterating. Also Food wise, I went to enter a pork chop and one of the amounts had 19 calories per oz ......... another had 30- 40 cal per oz........... I would like a good ACCURATE calorie counter....... any suggestions......


  • deadstarsunburn
    deadstarsunburn Posts: 1,337 Member
    The best option for more accurate exercise calories is to purchase an HRM I bought my polar ft4 on amazon for $63. It's really good. As far as food, I have yet to figure that out =/
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    I bought a calorie king book for odd foods like meat, but you can see their food content online for free.

    The database can be changed by members so I always check my food info.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Use the entries without the * where possible. The ones WITH the * are user entered, and that particular user may only be interested in tracking calories not where the calories are coming from (carbs, protein, fat) like my lumberjack breakfast when I first entered it showed 74 grams of fiber... it MIGHT have been 74 grams of carbs but not fiber.

    For the calorie burns either use a HRM for more accuracy or use the given numbers as an estimate.
  • change_happens
    I find it really frusterating that the database is so far off sometimes. I have to reseach on other sites to find the "true" calorie content. For instance, walking 3.0 mph has so many different answers when I enter it in, sometimes a difference of 100 calories burned..... this is extremely frusterating. Also Food wise, I went to enter a pork chop and one of the amounts had 19 calories per oz ......... another had 30- 40 cal per oz........... I would like a good ACCURATE calorie counter....... any suggestions......

    You are exactly right. And when I find the accurate information I plug it in myself.
  • CaptainMFP
    CaptainMFP Posts: 440 Member
    Enter your own food for calories. Not all store-bought products (like pork chops) have the same nutrition values, so each one gets entered separately here. Add in international differences and changes in product portions/formulae over time and it can get challenging to find the best data for your item. If I can't find the item I have in the database (or don't trust it as is the case with all produce entries), I enter my own. All of the produce numbers I use come from one site and are entered under my MFP account but are not public so that I have total control and no one else will alter them.

    Get a HRM. Even the best on-line estimators are still just estimates. The MFP tools are pretty good in my opinion, but I prefer the precision of an HRM. (And yes, I know there are limits on HRMs too, but every estimating tool has limits and an HRM is the only one tuned to what's happening in your body during process.) It's a worthwhile investment to get a good one and it opens up the door to better exercise, too...I use my HRM as much to monitor my pace and progress when biking and running as to tally the calories at the end.

  • rodneyderrick
    rodneyderrick Posts: 483 Member
    It's all estimated calories based on your weight when it comes to exercising. Some of the food has different entries because of the way the person that entered it, prepared it. It's all estimations, and I wouldn't let that get under my skin. The next thing you know you'll stop using the site, when the program gives you the ability to make a list of your own foods prepared the way you like them.