Cold shower after workout, ok or not?

agugino Posts: 119
edited October 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
I just finished Day 2 of 30 Day Shred and I'm sooo hot and sweaty after. I mean, sweat running down my nose (as well as everywhere else) sweaty. I've heard before that you shouldn't take a cold shower after a workout, but all I want to do is take a cool shower and get washed off. Is it ok to take a cool shower or should you not?


  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Where did you read that? It would be really refreshing and you could sit on your furniture w/o ruining it.

    Maybe not cold, just regular slightly, slightly cooler like all summer-time showers.
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    not cold...just a bit cool
  • JennBrown83
    JennBrown83 Posts: 131 Member
    i usually like taking a hot shower after a hard work out, keeps my muscles loose and usually feel really good, my suggestion, (and keep in mind i am NOT in any way a medical professional) but I would start off with a warmer shower and then slowly cool it down so that ur body has time to adjust and it's not such a shock to ur if the rest of your house is cool you don't want the shock of going from the hot bathroom to the cool house...
  • nananie2
    nananie2 Posts: 272 Member
    Hmmm... never heard that... I thought that cold showers boosted your metabolism a little, because it forces your body to work harder to keep warm.

    Don't know...
  • I've heard that too and this was the explanation I heard. If you take a cold shower you close your pores but a luke warm or cool shower leaves them open. Not sure if it's true
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    I always take a cool shower after a work out.....well I always take cool showers to preserve my naturally red hair anyway hahahah
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    A cool shower may be just the ticket ... Just not too cold!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    I take a regular shower, and at the end of it I hit myself with some cool water for a minute, paying special attention to my underarms and the back of my neck. It's so soothing.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I've never heard that-the only thing I can think of tho why maybe it would contrict your blood flow too quick? Maybe blood pressure drop-poss lightheaded? Not sure though?
  • well the reason i would not is because i have read where hott showers open up your pores and release toxins, you dont necessary want to clam up and then keep that inside but i am not a doctor.
  • kaitimae
    kaitimae Posts: 727 Member
    Totally ok to shower after a workout - but it is better to wait until you are done sweating. (That said, if it's super humid and you *never* stop sweating, what can you do?) If you shower while you are still sweating, it can possibly clog your pores, cause acne, etc. I would maybe wait a few minutes. Put the DVD away, pick up your weights, go get a drink of water, etc. You should stop sweating 5 or 10 minutes after the workout is over. =) Then shower away, cold, hot, whatever feels good!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Cold isn't a problem AFAIK. The one issue you will run into is that super cold water closes your pores. That means all the sweat can get trapped in your pores. Hot water opens them, allowing you time to clean them. Then rinse off, and crank up the cold. Doubt it really makes a reason, just how I always did it.
  • mjhuff1121
    mjhuff1121 Posts: 112
    My trainer actually suggests taking a warm shower, then a HOT(without scalding) shower for a few minutes, then as cold as you can stand it, and repeat hot, cold, hot, cold (after you've regulated the temp a bit with the warm part) to eliminate the next day muscle soreness... but I haven't done it yet! LOL!
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I have tried, cold, tepid...and nothing seems to stop the sweat. I'll sweat for 2 hours post workout. I just bring extra tees in my bag for the commute home. It's kind of ridiculous.

    Don't think there's a health risk to any of the above. Just do what feels comfortable. At West Point, we had ice cold showers in the field. Ran in there right after very strenuous training, and I never keeled over.
  • Cool water won't hurt you, what they are referring to when they say not to take a cold shower is that it can lead to some muscle cramping as your body tries to adjust quickly to the difference. I would start at lukewarm, then move to a cool shower to finish the cool down process. Make sure you have finished sweating (or mostly, at least) before you jump in so that you don't close your pores up and cause acne, as others have said above. Other than that, just make sure you STRETCH after you are all dried off to make sure the cool water didn't tense you up and you should be good to go!
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    YOU REALLY DON'T WANT TO TAKE A COLD SHOWER RIGHT AFTER A WORKOUT. Just like you don't want to drink ice cold water during a workout.

    We did this experiment in class on what cold water does to a hot body. Not physically damaging but it has different effects than room temperature or hot water.

    My own opinion would be don't do it but it sure sounds wonderful. Maybe a few hours after you cool off. Typically after a workout I will sauna to open pores and relax my muscles then take a warm shower.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,644 Member
    i actually start at a normal to hot temp and then turn it cooler every couple minutes. I like the cold shower after workouts but don't like the shock first thing stepping in.
  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    If your body is hot and the water is cold, you will crack. I thought everybody knew that.
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