Hair Loss EEEEP!!

Is anyone else out there losing their hair as they lose their weight?? I'm getting a little upset. I've always prided myself on thick hair and since I started losing weight, more and more of it is going down the drain :(
Is there anything I can do to stop this?


  • RoosterB
    RoosterB Posts: 214 Member
    I am but I'm not sure it's anything to do with losing weight :-(
  • dawnw30
    dawnw30 Posts: 270
    Me too..but I have really think hair so it hasn't been noticeable to anyone else. I don't know the answer but have heard of others with this issue too.
  • ilookthetype
    ilookthetype Posts: 3,021 Member
    In my experience hair loss = poor eating. As in, not getting enough protein, nutrients in my my died. Also, it happened when I wasn't eating enough. I'd suggest upping your protein and start taking some vitamins. And seeing a doc, it might be something else and you should def ask a "real" person.
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    I comb white glue through my hair every morning. Fingers crossed!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    did you just have a baby?? That is more likely the reason
  • Heatherbelle_87
    Heatherbelle_87 Posts: 1,078 Member
    as off the wall as this way sound, how old is your youngest baby? (noticed the picture on your ticker)
  • lukybug
    lukybug Posts: 209
    Poor nutrition. Are you eating enough? That's the only time I've ever heard of hair loss during weight loss. I would suggest seeing your doc.
  • jamie78
    jamie78 Posts: 514 Member
    Could be that you are malnourished, or your thyroid isn't working correctly. I would go see a dr and get a blood test done.
  • rv40
    rv40 Posts: 99 Member
    Yep...poor eating and no oil in your body will cause hair loss.
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    In my experience hair loss = poor eating. As in, not getting enough protein, nutrients in my my died. Also, it happened when I wasn't eating enough. I'd suggest upping your protein and start taking some vitamins. And seeing a doc, it might be something else and you should def ask a "real" person.

    ^^^ this
  • fitwatch
    fitwatch Posts: 61
    Nope, no hair loss. Just fat loss. Try vitamins?
  • jamiesgotagun
    jamiesgotagun Posts: 670 Member
    I was having the same problem, even went to the doctor because I was really concerned, but it slowed down =)
  • uniqute1888
    uniqute1888 Posts: 182 Member
    Dont freak out just yet...
    You can lose up to 100 hairs a day!
    As i have gotten older my hair has thinned a little- probably in perms/dyes but still is healthy. i also find that the closer i get to needing a hair cut the more hair goes down the drain... Or maybe your deficient in something.. our hair and nails tell us when we need to up certain vitamins n minerals...

    Good luck and happy losing!
  • jminette
    jminette Posts: 81
    If you are losing hair, your body isn't in good shape. It's undernourished. Try eating more or maybe healthier foods if your not already.
  • Myobi
    Myobi Posts: 129 Member
    My hair falls out due to my thyroid condition.

    My doctor recommended I take folic acid in addition to a regular one-a-day vitamin. The drains in my apartment are considerably less clogged.
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    as off the wall as this way sound, how old is your youngest baby? (noticed the picture on your ticker)
    this after my baby turned about 9 months i started shedding my hair like crazy, same with my first pregnancy
  • v_addison
    v_addison Posts: 114 Member
    I did have a baby a year ago. I guess I was stumped because this did not go on for so long after my first born. I'm hoping that is the cause.
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    Is anyone else out there losing their hair as they lose their weight?? I'm getting a little upset. I've always prided myself on thick hair and since I started losing weight, more and more of it is going down the drain :(
    Is there anything I can do to stop this?

    Are you getting enough good fat in your diet? I have heard that not getting enough fat can cause hair loss and your nails to be brittle. ?????
  • Bankman1989
    Bankman1989 Posts: 1,116 Member
    Are you stressed out? That's normally why hair falls out. Working out and eating healthy should make your hair stronger.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    Try a fish oil supplement. As my body fat % decreases, I lose a little more hair. It's nothing alarming, but I shed a little more than usual. I also notice it is seasonal, so think about that too. Try not to stress. I find it hard to believe that you're actually "malnourished"