
So im doing 30 day shred right now and after im done the plan was to do something a little more serious...so i was thinking about the P90X. The only problem is that when i mentioned it to a friend, he told me that its really intense and i probably wouldnt be able to do it..... This makes me so mad that he doesnt have any confidence in me what so ever... thats the reason i chose P90X because i know its going to be a challenge....i need something intense like that to push me and get me where i want to be... and dont need him saying stuff like that to make me second guess myself..
Sorry i just wanted to vent a bit. Can you guys please tell me your experience with P90X and what you though of it? results?


  • MobileRanger
    I am on week 3 of P90X right now and it is every bit as intense as people say it is. Plyometrics is a killer, however with P90X there are alternatives and modified moves to make things easier, but it is still challenging. It does take a right frame of mind and discipline to stick with it for 90 days. If you can make it through week one you should be good to go. Also, there are three levels of P90X you can do. Most people, including myself do the Classic workout. If the classic plan is too much you can do the lean, and if you are really insane you can do the doubles. With me it was all mental. Now I am in my routine and doing great. As long as you don't have any phyisical problems that prevent you from doing certain workouts, I say go for it! I love it! You will deffinatley be in the best shape of your life if you can survive 90 days.
  • CyclingDiva
    CyclingDiva Posts: 492 Member
    There is nothing more annoying than hearing somebody tell another person, they can't do something! WT??? I think that comes from their own insecurities beacuse in my opinion....YES YOU CAN
    do p90x. I have already finished a round and I'm now doing INSANITY. They are both AWESOME workouts. p90x is intense, but the great thing about the workouts, you go at your own pace, do what you can and build your way up. Through out the video they will show you motified moves as well.
    I won't lie that you will be SORE the first couple of weeks, but you'll be suprised how much stronger you get as the weeks go by.
    I have always been a runner, biker, hiker, gym rat, but I am completely in love with these workouts.
    I basically started doing p90x to tone. I had been slacking on my strength training, especially upper body. Well the 1st week I could barely do girl pushups, now I'm doing all my exercises boy push up style and I can do alot! It's amazing what your body can do if you dedicate yourself and stick to it!
    Please don't let others discourage you. Like I said, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! :)
  • craftzilla
    I would agree with what's been said here. My hubby and I are both in week 9 of P90X. It has not been an easy program, but you CAN do it. There are many ways to modify the exercises that they give you...and as Tony says far too frequently, "just do your best and forget the rest!" You should definitely give it a try - if only to prove to yourself (and others) that you can! Good luck!