significant variable between hrm and mfp estimate?

i'm looking into purchasing an hrm but wont for about another week... until that time i've been using the info on the treadmill (usually i do 26 mins...alternate 3 mins at 5.2 mph and 1 min at 3.8 mph and end up burning between 220-230 calories) or i use the estimator on here... has anyone purchased an hrm and seen a SIGNIFICANT difference and if so did u usually burn less or more calories that what is shown on the equip/mfp? i just want to make sure i'm eating the appropriate amount of calories. thanks :)


  • mazzmoo
    mazzmoo Posts: 70 Member
    YES my hrm says I burn about 600cals an hour riding but on here it estimates 250 or something.
    Glad I'm not the only one!
  • wolf23
    wolf23 Posts: 4,172 Member
    I just got back from the gym. I did 20 minutes on the elliptical which told me I burned 170 calories (I entered in my weight) and my HRM told me I burned 142. I go by the HRM.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    HUGE difference between both the calories burn on the elliptical counter and the MFP counter, vs. what my BodyBugg says I burned. Maybe 450 calories in an hour per the BodyBugg, but closer to 800 for the MFP counter.
  • 6Pk2Go
    6Pk2Go Posts: 105
    I have 2 different heart rate monitors, one is Polar and one is Garmin. Both give different results but not too dramatically. They both differ quite significantly from MFP or the tracking offerred on many machines. My heart rate monitors provide me with results that are much less in most cases.

    Example, 60 minutes of spinning on MFP = 600 cals, my HRM (I go flat out) reports 400. Also, with Running I see a big difference.
  • duckpond11
    duckpond11 Posts: 197 Member
    Yes - I just did this test today actually. For circuit training - MFP would have given me nearly 600 calories, but my HRM said 300.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    Looks like I need to stop procrastinating and get myself a HRM. So many choices!
  • Jess5825
    Jess5825 Posts: 228
    The estimates on here and other sites are far more than what my HRM and body media says.
  • MyNewLeaf
    How much do HRMs usually cost?
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    My HRM is normally higher then what the equipment and MFP says.... Ellipitcal were talking like 200 calories off, treadmill prob. closer to 50 or 100 calories off.

    I have a Polar FT7 which I love.. really accurate calorie estimation.