Daily Fat Goal

Good Evening all!! :)

I was wondering if it is ok to be way under on fat content every day? I usually have about 20-30 grams left every day. Is that ok?



Also if any of you want to add me please do! I love having support!! :)


  • fromaquasar
    fromaquasar Posts: 811 Member
    You should be trying to get 20 - 30 % of your total calories from fat (1g of fat is 9 calories) so check out if you are managing this.

    If not try to incorporate some more good fats in - eggs, nuts, yoghurt, avocado, oily fish are all good for this.

    Good fats will help keep you full and make your hair shiny :D
  • rrrbecca11
    rrrbecca11 Posts: 477
    Have you looked at your pie chart to see what percentage of your calories are made up of fat? I keep mine around 20%. Some people like more. I eat more carbs than fat and protein and I am very slim. :)