why am I hungrier now that i'm counting calories?!

it seems that all I want to do now is eat! when i don't count calories I have to make sure I eat at the right times of day, but when I count calories it seems like all i do is think about what i just at and what can i eat next that wont use up a ton of calories..... anyone else having this issue? how can i get over this?

any advice is appreciated:)


  • Jomalone2
    Jomalone2 Posts: 129 Member
    Same here. Some days I feel like I am starving.
  • Ashonym
    Ashonym Posts: 172 Member
    I had that issue too! Only recently did that clear up for me. My way to combat it at first was just drinking water. It hardly sufficed but it DID help AND ensure proper fluid intake. More recently I've learnt that certain things will keep me full longer. Protein seems to be a charm and my two Greek yogurts (so 8oz total) this morning along with 4 cups of water kept me full for AGES! Likewise, eggs for dinner have me STUFFED (though I had one more yogurt for dessert to fill some calories and that helped).

    I think it's all about finding foods to keep you full. Veggies are your best friend for this issue as well. I found out zucchini cooked up is AMAZING and WONDERFULLY low calorie. So look for protein, veggies, or foods you find that work for YOU (everyone's different :) ), and drink up! Also, you could try to focus that thought process on "What exercise can I do next to EARN that food?" ... You might find afterwards you're not even as hungry anymore! :)
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    What kind of calories are you consuming? If you are eating a lot of simple carbs or empty foods, your blood sugar could be fluctuating, which will make you hungry. I find it hard to get all my daily calories when I focus on eating lots of frsh veggies, lean proteins, and fruits - even if I get the munchies there's still lots of food I can eat, and I tend to graze all day long.
  • jeghballi
    I'm Glad you posted this here I thought I was the only one, I feel like i'm so hungry all the time now, I finish a meal and like my mind is telling me you are not full, more food please! LOL!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    It gets better. It's the same psychological trap that spawned the saying about not being thirsty until the well runs dry. It's sort of a hard-wired survival mechanism, I guess. Without it, we probably wouldn't have survived as a species!

    As your good-nutrition habits get stronger, you won't have to think about it so much. A food scale should be your best friend for a while, tho!!

    Good luck and hang in there!!!
  • clairibou1
    clairibou1 Posts: 124
    I am totally with you. When I began this, I would make the food and pretty much shove it down just to "get it over with" and then log on here to assess the damage. What I do now is plan my meals for the whole day. Then, instead of thinking "how many calories do I have left" or "will this put me over my calorie goal?" I can just focus on really tasting and enjoying the food. This also helps me with desserts- I either plan my meals so I have some room for one, or I know that I can't that day....I'm sure we've all had that moment when we are really pumped for a nice scoop of ice cream, then log our dinner calories and realize that there is no way that is happening. Also, try to eat more slowly and think about what you are eating and the taste of each bite. I know it sounds dumb, but the first time I did it, I was amazed at how satisfied I felt when I was done! Hope this helps!
  • me525
    me525 Posts: 155
    Thanks for all the advice! I'm eating eggs for breakfast w/ a little card, tuna for lunch w/ a little card, 2%cheese sticks for snacks, I seem to go over my "target" protein intake every day. and I swear i'm drinking enough water to drown a whale:)

    I'm sure it will get better once my body gets used to the way i'm eating now (it's probably in shock, looking for it's ice cream:sad: ), I just wish it would hurry up!

    Keep the advice coming, I have a long way to go and will take all the help I can get...... and I promise to pass it on!
  • Ashonym
    Ashonym Posts: 172 Member
    I just want to say that it sounds like you're doing really well, and yes, it will go away with time. You're exactly right. Withdrawals from your previous lifestyle are hounding you. Rebel against your body's rebellion! Tell it to feed off of its own fat (I literally said this to myself out loud haha.).

    You can do it. And if you would like extra support, feel free to add me as a friend! You shouldn't and shan't have to take the journey alone! :)
  • me525
    me525 Posts: 155
    I just want to say that it sounds like you're doing really well, and yes, it will go away with time. You're exactly right. Withdrawals from your previous lifestyle are hounding you. Rebel against your body's rebellion! Tell it to feed off of its own fat (I literally said this to myself out loud haha.).

    You can do it. And if you would like extra support, feel free to add me as a friend! You shouldn't and shan't have to take the journey alone! :)

    THANKS SO MUCH! and I shall tell my body to go "chew the fat"....... as soon as i'm alone of course, my husband may become concerned if he finds me talking to fat roll:)
  • shydaisi
    shydaisi Posts: 833 Member
    I try to pair my meals with really low calorie foods that I can eat in large quantities. I eat spinach salald alot (just spinach or mixed greens with dressing and maybe something crunchy to give it some bite); also sauteed (in a non-stick pan, no oil) veggies - any combination of mushrooms, zucchini, yellow squash, onions, broccoli; green beans are pretty low calorie too; um...popcorn; fruit is not too low calorie but can be satisfying on a sweet level, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and raspberries are pretty low, apples and oranges are pretty good too. I also like Triscuits with laughing cow cheese smeared on top.

    I also try to eat a wide variety of textures and flavors at each meal so it is more satisfying.
  • rachelhohenbrink
    rachelhohenbrink Posts: 179 Member
    It's to some extent a mind game. Ask yourself am I really hungry or do I just want to eat? If you are really hungry take a look at what your intake has been for that day? Did you eat a lot of protein and fiber to keep full? Could you have some more veggies to tide you over? If you are really hungry eat. It's not an exact science and there are a lot of things that play into it. How much you workout or burned in calories that day etc. Sometimes I ask myself does this food that I want to eat taste as good as thin feels? Good luck I'm sure you will figure it out. Slow and steady wins the race it shouldn't be a diet but a lifestyle change :)