weightloss blamed for the flu !!??

so... in the last couple of days i got sick... the flu,, i proper one, not a man one, like high fever, chest and throat on fire, headaches, hard to breath, stuffed up, and the list goes on.

last night was the worst, i really could barely breath, and told my bf that it was time to see a doctor, since we dont have a car, my MIL picked us up for the emergency (long story short, i dont have a family doctor here yet) on the way to the hospital... but MIL started to blame me loosing too much weight to quickly as a reason why i was sick !!!!!!!!!!!!... couldnt believe it.... it took me 1 year to loose 60 pounds thats 1.15 lbs average a week.. and beside the fact that half the family has been sick as well...

but its not just her.. my mom blamed my lifestyle changes for other things as well.. like my moods and my tummy hurting during that time of the month ...... say what ???

what if i get an ingrown toe nail ??? would that be because i lost all the weight ?? would it be healthier to stuff myself up at 220 lbs,,, surely i never got colds back then !!!!!!!!!!! arghhhhhhh

i hate it because it takes my pride away .. its hard to be proud of something when its being blame for the lack of peace in the world...

btw.... the doc gave me 1 week of penecillin to take.. and painkillers... im doing muchhhhh better this morning.

thanks for listening to my rant !!!


  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    so... in the last couple of days i got sick... the flu,, i proper one, not a man one, like high fever, chest and throat on fire, headaches, hard to breath, stuffed up, and the list goes on.

    last night was the worst, i really could barely breath, and told my bf that it was time to see a doctor, since we dont have a car, my MIL picked us up for the emergency (long story short, i dont have a family doctor here yet) on the way to the hospital... but MIL started to blame me loosing too much weight to quickly as a reason why i was sick !!!!!!!!!!!!... couldnt believe it.... it took me 1 year to loose 60 pounds thats 1.15 lbs average a week.. and beside the fact that half the family has been sick as well...

    but its not just her.. my mom blamed my lifestyle changes for other things as well.. like my moods and my tummy hurting during that time of the month ...... say what ???

    what if i get an ingrown toe nail ??? would that be because i lost all the weight ?? would it be healthier to stuff myself up at 220 lbs,,, surely i never got colds back then !!!!!!!!!!! arghhhhhhh

    i hate it because it takes my pride away .. its hard to be proud of something when its being blame for the lack of peace in the world...

    btw.... the doc gave me 1 week of penecillin to take.. and painkillers... im doing muchhhhh better this morning.

    thanks for listening to my rant !!!
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    Just my opinion but she sounds like a royal P.I.T.A like if she isn't happy she is going ot take the joy away from everyone. U should be PROUD of your accomplishment. Your weight loss didn't cause your flu or anything like that if anything you being heathier I think would help you fight it off easier. Don't listen to her you be happy for yourself and dont let anyone take your pride away.

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    People speak without thinking. I am guilty of this myself.

    A great response would be: That is funny because I just read that people with cancer turn to lean meats, fresh fruits and veggies and exercise as a holistic cure.

    Or you could do what I did. I printed a copy of my food log for a day. When someone asks me how I am losing weight, or comments on not eating enough, I show them the log.

    :noway: they always say WOW you eat THAT much food??? How are you losing weight? I then point out the calories in a carrot or slice of chicken breast, as opposed to cake and icecream.

    YOU are doing it the right way. If you lost 60 pounds over a year and a half, you are certainly not starving yourself.....which also shows in the healthy picture of you!!

    I hope you feel better soon....wish I could bring you a cup of chicken broth!:drinker:
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    Certain people also equate thinness with sickliness, too, in certain cultures, but in YOUR case, the adviser sounds un- or under-educated about things, and may be suffering from 'old-wivestale-ism'. Showing them what you DO eat may work, or just ignoring their hurtful comments. YOU've done a wonderful job and you will live a longer life because of it!! YAY YOU!!
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    when she said those comments i was too sick to even react to what she said...
    talking to my bf this morning,,, he said that creating a calorie deficits might have reduce my immune system... maybe it makes a bit of sense ???

    i have barely eaten in the last couple days... i weighted this morning and i was nearly 2.5 lbs down from a couple days ago ... not that i am proud of that ..

    thanks for your word of encouragements :smile: you guys rock !!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    those are the comments i let go in one ear and out the other lol
    perhaps the calorie deficite reduced your imunesystem.,,,, even if that was the case your still an all round healthier persome for being 62 pounds lighter!!!! Think about how much your heart and other vital organs thank you for that one :)
    I hope your feeling better soon

    wow im spelling like a 2 year old today... it must be this headache lol
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    It's true that a calorie deficit can slightly depress the immune system. But so can chronic heavy exercise and high stress situations. A lot of things can throw our bodies out of whack. That's why we need to take it slow like you did--lose slowly, eat enough, don't exercise ourselves into the ground.
    However, interestingly, there is some credibility to the idea that eating less also depresses the activity of bacterial infections--bacteria need ATP too, and they get it from you. So the less you have, the less they get. Of course, that also goes for your immune cells, so by no means starve yourself if you're sick. You're just leveling the playing grounds with a deficit hehe. :wink:
  • isadoraworkman
    isadoraworkman Posts: 205 Member
    It looks like you're coming around to experiencing a classic case of sabotage. Stay strong! Wouldn't you rather suffer through the odd flu and be generally healthy than have a case of high blood pressure/Cardiac disease/Stroke?
    A flu is a virus, anyone can get it, washing your hands more often is the only way to prevent it (and the flu shot). It's a lottery, you lost this one...you will win in the long run.
    You're doing great! :flowerforyou: