New Type 1 Diabetic Member

ChipmunkTX Posts: 3
edited October 1 in Introduce Yourself
I am a Type 1 Diabetic and use the iPhone App of My Fitness Pal to help with the carb counting. I just started using an insulin pump, and it makes it very easy...which is great because the pump is stressful enough without being too paranoid if I'm entering the correct number of carbs.


  • iamrobyn
    iamrobyn Posts: 85

    MFP is a great place for support, calorie counting, exercise tracking...but NOT carb tracking! The carb counter ups your carbs everytime you enter a cardio work out. You can't change this in the settings. Unforutnatly as diabetics that makes the food counter not as helpful. The counter also ups your calorie intake when you do cardio. People on here genuinely want to be helpful but don't know or understand how diabetics to need to eat so be careful about the advice you listen too. My health insurance covered an 8 week nutrition education program and thats where I take my tips from. Good luck!
  • You should also check out Its a social network site for people with t1d. The site has a diet group and perhaps the members can offer you advice. Also speak with your endo about carb counting, diet, exercise and pump. Good luck!
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