New here

Just wanted to say hi :) Just signed up for MFP today and I also downloaded the app to my phone so I can do it on the go. I am looking for a weight loss buddy, doing this alone is hard.


  • Hi! this is my second day and I have it on my iphone as well. i would love for us to do this together! strength in numbers, i say! :smile:
  • hi , I am somewhat new to this too, and i could always use a buddy too! we can help each other :smile:
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    I know what you mean im doing this alone and with 2 kids and its hard we can help on another
  • Ali_D25
    Ali_D25 Posts: 1
    Hello just started this today and it looks really easy to do..super excited!!!
  • alapoint89
    alapoint89 Posts: 632
    hello i have been here for about a week and have lost ten lbs it doesnt show it on here because i didnt like the program and for got to use it at first but now i love it
  • TrishB30
    TrishB30 Posts: 13
    Hello I started the day before yesterday, you and anyone can add me. I'm always looking for new friends :happy:
  • georger811
    georger811 Posts: 1 Member
    I just started using myfitnesspal on Monday, Aug 25, 2011. My ultimate goal is to get "near" my Doctors idea of a healthy weight for my height and structure... 160 lbs. We shall see how close we can get in the next year. Three pounds lost, another 54 to go.
  • Hi there,

    I started about 2 weeks ago and have been going it alone. It certainly would be great to join some others.
  • I'm new here. My name is Chelsea. I started using this sight because my weights class at school made me realize i need to get into shape. please add me (: and we can share stories
  • ditto- are we supposed to drink water? what is that thing for at the bottom of our screen with the pint glass?