Wanting to lose weight vs. eating disorder

I really wanna lose my baby weight. It's just so hard with having a baby, school, trying to find a job, and actually trying to have a life. Sometimes i just try to eat as little as possible, it's just easier that way. I don't want to be unhealthy, i just wanna lose the weight. I weighed 145 before i got pregnant, 168 during, and now i weigh like 135. i want to be atleast 120.... Nothing seems to be keeping it off. i diet, i exercise, but it seems inevitable. I wear a size 5 jeans, and my boobs are DDD.... I want to be back into my size 3's and i wish my boobs were down to a c like when i was in 6th grade. Help me, i need a coach. i need someone to tell me no don't stop eatin, do this or do that.


  • RunningDragon
    This makes me sad. Just try to make good choices everytime you open your mouth!

    And also, try to make good choices every time you eat.
  • lionsaults
    The best thing to do is have self-control. This site can really help you keep track of how much calories you take in. And, as long as you eat right (healthy) and exercise, you should be fine. (:

    If you eat less your body can go into starvation mode and it will be harder for you to lose weight.
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I would really concentrate on filling your life with good nutritious foods. There are a lot of fruits that require no prep - just eat, and you can get a lot of veg from the freezer section and heat them in the microwave in no time. Lean turkey meat can make a quick protein, as well as peanut butter, and canned black beans. You really need balance and you may be asking your body to go too small - not sure how tall you are etc. Are you done with your doctor check ups? Do you receive wic for the baby - the nutritionist may be able to give you some solid advice too :)

    I hope you can figure this out so that the baby will have a good eating example as it grows up!
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    I had a serious eating disorder for most of my young adult life. I packed on 60 lbs with my pregnancy despite a healthy diet and exercise. So you can bet the two years it has taken me to get (almost) back down to the way I was before by using conventional methods instead of the quiker, more self-destructive ones has been TOUGH. The deal is, baby weight is a different animal--it comes with hormones, ect. and your body will get where you want it to be, but it may take longer than it has in the past.

    I sympathise with you, but what keeps me in line and doing this the RIGHT way is my daughter. It's not just about you anymore and the size of your pants, ect. Try and concentrate on making yourself the healthiest and fittest you can be to be a good example for your child, who will be watching and learning from every move you make. There is so much of my life I would have enjoyed more without my self doubt about my poor body image (all during this time I was unheathfully thin), and I work hard every day so hopefully my daughter will never go through that.

    Keep your head up and keep working hard. Sometimes the sweetest things in life are slow in their journey. :wink:
  • Horseymama
    Horseymama Posts: 19 Member
    Welcome! How old is your baby? Are you breast feeding? Having a baby is a huge adjustment for your body, and depending on how long ago your baby was born, will have a huge factor on your weight loss journey.

    In order to stay healthy, and keep p your milk supply, you need to EAT! Just eat the right things. Veggies, lean proteins, low fat milk, yogurt, cheeses, fruits and good grains like brown rice, quinoa and old fashion style oatmeal.

    I too am battling a desperate desire to loose baby weight, yet deny the eating disorder. Except my babies are 8, 6 & 2! The weight kinda kept compounding... As long as that scale moves, Im okay. But if I have a bad day, cheat days do not work for me, things take DAYS to rectify themselves. Wasted time, wasted weight. Sigh.

    What works for me; log in everyday! Log all food, and find out what foods are your best bang or your calorie buck. Browse the forum, look for ideas and keep up your daily exercise. Whatever feels good, gets you moving and happy. I run a home daycare and just generally run a busy household. I also ride 4+ days a week. And I ride hard, so I burn lots. Yet the weight....grrrrr. But it is coming off, slowly. Oh, and my biggest tip. WATER! Keeps you hydrated, gets rid of water weight/bloating and also helps with binge eating. Well, that's my deal anyways....

    One day you want chocolate? Have some. Moderation is the key, there are NO forbidden foods. Just track those calories. If you fall off the wagon, get up, dust yourself off and climb back on. Crying about it just wastes time and makes your face all muddy!

    If you need help, encouragement or just want to talk, everyone here is really helpful and great listeners! Good luck!
  • ChelseaYepThatsMe
    My daughter is 14 months old. I breastfed for a week and a half when she was born. She keeps me too busy to do much, but i try to run atleast three times a week at home plus i take weights class and run at school. The school food isn't too healthy which doesn't help and my family doesn't do too well at picking out healthy stuff here at home. We never eat meals, and I'm stuck eating frozen dinners. My mother doesn't buy too much "good" stuff because eating healthy is expensive sometimes. Nobody at home supports my diet which makes everything a bit harder. I've gone over my 1200 cal. a few times and i've only been doing this for the past week. Support is what i need most. I drink bottled water 24/7. I also have a caffeine addiction, and have terrible withdrawal symptoms. I'm trying so hard. i don't want to lose a ton of weight, just about 10-15lbs. My main trouble areas are around my tummy and my thighs. Thanks for all your comments (: