how to stop being so stressed out?



  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    I have a simple philosophy.

    I try my best.

    If I am trying my best, then there is nothing else I can do. Stress gone.

    Eventually my best will succeed.

    Let's not forget that love and forgiveness heals. Even if they can't
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Um, another thing - chat to the family and clear the air - if you guys can sort out any issues productively it will make you a happier person (and them to most likely). Make a list of all issues and then take turns to talk, you could find at the end of the day it was something really silly that started the issues.

    You see home is my sanctuary - I can't imagine being home with my family and always having to watch what I say or do... laughter and hugs are much much better :-)
    Good luck and yes lists, yoga, walks and some "me" time is very important!
    Put music on in your space and dance around a bit - do something silly :-)
    And stay positive - negativity breads negativity.... you need to make yourself get out of that rut :-)

    I have tried sitting down and talking to them a lot of times, pre much I get told to stop being a kid and that everything is my fault and to shut up blahblahblah.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    This may sting a bit. It's a skills shortage.

    We live in a different world right now. Our country is spread financially thin. It will take a decade to rebound from march of 08'. Nobody understands that we live in an economy. (economics) Knowing about finances and economics will prepare you for the next recession. Every person will experience 6 to 9 recessions in a lifetime. What will you do when the next one comes. Just make it thru again or........

    The rich are schooled in these areas. It is mandatory in private schools. My X's kid went to a private school. He learned how to read charts and a yearly report. He is 12 years old.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    This may sting a bit. It's a skills shortage.

    We live in a different world right now. Our country is spread financially thin. It will take a decade to rebound from march of 08'. Nobody understands that we live in an economy. (economics) Knowing about finances and economics will prepare you for the next recession. Every person will experience 6 to 9 recessions in a lifetime. What will you do when the next one comes. Just make it thru again or........

    The rich are schooled in these areas. It is mandatory in private schools. My X's kid went to a private school. He learned how to read charts and a yearly report. He is 12 years old.

    Oh thankyou, I have a skills shortage. Now you sound like my mother.

    P.S. I do have skills and know about finances and economics actually. I do have a job, just not a very high paying one.
    P.P.S. I went to a private high school?
    P.P.P.S. I have a certificate
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    Um, another thing - chat to the family and clear the air - if you guys can sort out any issues productively it will make you a happier person (and them to most likely). Make a list of all issues and then take turns to talk, you could find at the end of the day it was something really silly that started the issues.

    You see home is my sanctuary - I can't imagine being home with my family and always having to watch what I say or do... laughter and hugs are much much better :-)
    Good luck and yes lists, yoga, walks and some "me" time is very important!
    Put music on in your space and dance around a bit - do something silly :-)
    And stay positive - negativity breads negativity.... you need to make yourself get out of that rut :-)

    I have tried sitting down and talking to them a lot of times, pre much I get told to stop being a kid and that everything is my fault and to shut up blahblahblah.

    This really resonates with me. I'm not sure about your exact situation, but I think I might have something similar. I'm 23 and still living at home with my parents, I'm working, but I just can't afford to move out at the moment. I have a pretty miserable family situation at home most of the time and sometimes it's almost too much to take. But you have to take it one step at a time and know that in the future things will be different. I just hold onto to the fact that this stage of my life won't last too much longer and things will be better. We might not be able to change our situations at the moment, but we have to make the best of them and move forward. If this is a family situation the best advice I can give you is to make time for yourself, alone or with people who love and support you. Working out has become my sanctuary from my crazy family. Try to find your sanctuary.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    This may sting a bit. It's a skills shortage.

    We live in a different world right now. Our country is spread financially thin. It will take a decade to rebound from march of 08'. Nobody understands that we live in an economy. (economics) Knowing about finances and economics will prepare you for the next recession. Every person will experience 6 to 9 recessions in a lifetime. What will you do when the next one comes. Just make it thru again or........

    The rich are schooled in these areas. It is mandatory in private schools. My X's kid went to a private school. He learned how to read charts and a yearly report. He is 12 years old.
    Sorry about being your mother. Then you saw this crash coming and invested properly. The game is whom is indebted to who. That is the economic way. If you don't believe that this is true, then look at all of your bills. You are giving your money to someone. I'm sorry. I am not trying to be mean. Just aware of lifes surroundings.

    I hope and wish that you can get the breaks you need for success.

    Good Luck and Blessing.

    Oh thankyou, I have a skills shortage. Now you sound like my mother.

    P.S. I do have skills and know about finances and economics actually. I do have a job, just not a very high paying one.
    P.P.S. I went to a private high school.
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    This may sting a bit. It's a skills shortage.

    We live in a different world right now. Our country is spread financially thin. It will take a decade to rebound from march of 08'. Nobody understands that we live in an economy. (economics) Knowing about finances and economics will prepare you for the next recession. Every person will experience 6 to 9 recessions in a lifetime. What will you do when the next one comes. Just make it thru again or........

    The rich are schooled in these areas. It is mandatory in private schools. My X's kid went to a private school. He learned how to read charts and a yearly report. He is 12 years old.

    It's not a skills shortage. It's a JOB shortage. It makes no difference WHAT you know. It's all about WHO you know these days. I have an honours degree from one of the top universities in my country and neither me, nor most of my fellow graduates can get a job. The worlds gone to hell if you ask me. A decade ago, myself and others like me would have our pick of jobs, now we are stuck on benefits because employers don't like clever people.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    This may sting a bit. It's a skills shortage.

    We live in a different world right now. Our country is spread financially thin. It will take a decade to rebound from march of 08'. Nobody understands that we live in an economy. (economics) Knowing about finances and economics will prepare you for the next recession. Every person will experience 6 to 9 recessions in a lifetime. What will you do when the next one comes. Just make it thru again or........

    The rich are schooled in these areas. It is mandatory in private schools. My X's kid went to a private school. He learned how to read charts and a yearly report. He is 12 years old.

    It's not a skills shortage. It's a JOB shortage. It makes no difference WHAT you know. It's all about WHO you know these days. I have an honours degree from one of the top universities in my country and neither me, nor most of my fellow graduates can get a job. The worlds gone to hell if you ask me. A decade ago, myself and others like me would have our pick of jobs, now we are stuck on benefits because employers don't like clever people.

    Exactly. And most employers try to not have clever people, or else they have to pay them more.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    This may sting a bit. It's a skills shortage.

    We live in a different world right now. Our country is spread financially thin. It will take a decade to rebound from march of 08'. Nobody understands that we live in an economy. (economics) Knowing about finances and economics will prepare you for the next recession. Every person will experience 6 to 9 recessions in a lifetime. What will you do when the next one comes. Just make it thru again or........

    The rich are schooled in these areas. It is mandatory in private schools. My X's kid went to a private school. He learned how to read charts and a yearly report. He is 12 years old.
    Sorry about being your mother. Then you saw this crash coming and invested properly. The game is whom is indebted to who. That is the economic way. If you don't believe that this is true, then look at all of your bills. You are giving your money to someone. I'm sorry. I am not trying to be mean. Just aware of lifes surroundings.

    I hope and wish that you can get the breaks you need for success.

    Good Luck and Blessing.

    Oh thankyou, I have a skills shortage. Now you sound like my mother.

    P.S. I do have skills and know about finances and economics actually. I do have a job, just not a very high paying one.
    P.P.S. I went to a private high school.

    I lost my high-paying job to the recession actually. About a month and a half ago. So stop trying to be a busy-body.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    This may sting a bit. It's a skills shortage.

    We live in a different world right now. Our country is spread financially thin. It will take a decade to rebound from march of 08'. Nobody understands that we live in an economy. (economics) Knowing about finances and economics will prepare you for the next recession. Every person will experience 6 to 9 recessions in a lifetime. What will you do when the next one comes. Just make it thru again or........

    The rich are schooled in these areas. It is mandatory in private schools. My X's kid went to a private school. He learned how to read charts and a yearly report. He is 12 years old.
    Sorry about being your mother. Then you saw this crash coming and invested properly. The game is whom is indebted to who. That is the economic way. If you don't believe that this is true, then look at all of your bills. You are giving your money to someone. I'm sorry. I am not trying to be mean. Just aware of lifes surroundings.

    I hope and wish that you can get the breaks you need for success.

    Good Luck and Blessing.

    Oh thankyou, I have a skills shortage. Now you sound like my mother.

    P.S. I do have skills and know about finances and economics actually. I do have a job, just not a very high paying one.
    P.P.S. I went to a private high school.
    Go to Go to the finance section. Pic any company. Look at their 10k tell me if the company is going to grow next quarter or receed next quarter. If you can answer that question I will teach you how to read charts and the psychology of the masses. 5% of Daytraders make 300k a yr. working 1 to 3 hours a day and off every bank holiday.
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    This may sting a bit. It's a skills shortage.

    We live in a different world right now. Our country is spread financially thin. It will take a decade to rebound from march of 08'. Nobody understands that we live in an economy. (economics) Knowing about finances and economics will prepare you for the next recession. Every person will experience 6 to 9 recessions in a lifetime. What will you do when the next one comes. Just make it thru again or........

    The rich are schooled in these areas. It is mandatory in private schools. My X's kid went to a private school. He learned how to read charts and a yearly report. He is 12 years old.
    Sorry about being your mother. Then you saw this crash coming and invested properly. The game is whom is indebted to who. That is the economic way. If you don't believe that this is true, then look at all of your bills. You are giving your money to someone. I'm sorry. I am not trying to be mean. Just aware of lifes surroundings.

    I hope and wish that you can get the breaks you need for success.

    Good Luck and Blessing.

    Oh thankyou, I have a skills shortage. Now you sound like my mother.

    P.S. I do have skills and know about finances and economics actually. I do have a job, just not a very high paying one.
    P.P.S. I went to a private high school.

    I lost my high-paying job to the recession actually. About a month and a half ago. So stop trying to be a busy-body.
    Let me tell you something about busy body. I have been on bottom twice. Two friend stole over 150k and ruined a 50 vending machine company. I have eaten tuna and rice for months just to survive.

    Get up forge a new path. I have failed before, but I learned to pick myself back up. When I was 35 I was broke with nothing. 44 and I do well.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    This may sting a bit. It's a skills shortage.

    We live in a different world right now. Our country is spread financially thin. It will take a decade to rebound from march of 08'. Nobody understands that we live in an economy. (economics) Knowing about finances and economics will prepare you for the next recession. Every person will experience 6 to 9 recessions in a lifetime. What will you do when the next one comes. Just make it thru again or........

    The rich are schooled in these areas. It is mandatory in private schools. My X's kid went to a private school. He learned how to read charts and a yearly report. He is 12 years old.
    Sorry about being your mother. Then you saw this crash coming and invested properly. The game is whom is indebted to who. That is the economic way. If you don't believe that this is true, then look at all of your bills. You are giving your money to someone. I'm sorry. I am not trying to be mean. Just aware of lifes surroundings.

    I hope and wish that you can get the breaks you need for success.

    Good Luck and Blessing.

    Oh thankyou, I have a skills shortage. Now you sound like my mother.

    P.S. I do have skills and know about finances and economics actually. I do have a job, just not a very high paying one.
    P.P.S. I went to a private high school.
    Go to Go to the finance section. Pic any company. Look at their 10k tell me if the company is going to grow next quarter or receed next quarter. If you can answer that question I will teach you how to read charts and the psychology of the masses. 5% of Daytraders make 300k a yr. working 1 to 3 hours a day and off every bank holiday.

    I do know how to read them mr-know-it-all, I actually lost my job in the recession but not everyone in the company i was in did, so how was I supposed to predict that?
    If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. Nuff said.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    This may sting a bit. It's a skills shortage.

    We live in a different world right now. Our country is spread financially thin. It will take a decade to rebound from march of 08'. Nobody understands that we live in an economy. (economics) Knowing about finances and economics will prepare you for the next recession. Every person will experience 6 to 9 recessions in a lifetime. What will you do when the next one comes. Just make it thru again or........

    The rich are schooled in these areas. It is mandatory in private schools. My X's kid went to a private school. He learned how to read charts and a yearly report. He is 12 years old.
    Sorry about being your mother. Then you saw this crash coming and invested properly. The game is whom is indebted to who. That is the economic way. If you don't believe that this is true, then look at all of your bills. You are giving your money to someone. I'm sorry. I am not trying to be mean. Just aware of lifes surroundings.

    I hope and wish that you can get the breaks you need for success.

    Good Luck and Blessing.

    Oh thankyou, I have a skills shortage. Now you sound like my mother.

    P.S. I do have skills and know about finances and economics actually. I do have a job, just not a very high paying one.
    P.P.S. I went to a private high school.

    I lost my high-paying job to the recession actually. About a month and a half ago. So stop trying to be a busy-body.
    Let me tell you something about busy body. I have been on bottom twice. Two friend stole over 150k and ruined a 50 vending machine company. I have eaten tuna and rice for months just to survive.

    Get up forge a new path. I have failed before, but I learned to pick myself back up. When I was 35 I was broke with nothing. 44 and I do well.

    So you had NINE years, hello I am only nineteen? Give me a freaking break. I will have another good job by the time that I am 20/21 I have promised myself that.
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    This may sting a bit. It's a skills shortage.

    We live in a different world right now. Our country is spread financially thin. It will take a decade to rebound from march of 08'. Nobody understands that we live in an economy. (economics) Knowing about finances and economics will prepare you for the next recession. Every person will experience 6 to 9 recessions in a lifetime. What will you do when the next one comes. Just make it thru again or........

    The rich are schooled in these areas. It is mandatory in private schools. My X's kid went to a private school. He learned how to read charts and a yearly report. He is 12 years old.
    Sorry about being your mother. Then you saw this crash coming and invested properly. The game is whom is indebted to who. That is the economic way. If you don't believe that this is true, then look at all of your bills. You are giving your money to someone. I'm sorry. I am not trying to be mean. Just aware of lifes surroundings.

    I hope and wish that you can get the breaks you need for success.

    Good Luck and Blessing.

    Oh thankyou, I have a skills shortage. Now you sound like my mother.

    P.S. I do have skills and know about finances and economics actually. I do have a job, just not a very high paying one.
    P.P.S. I went to a private high school.
    Go to Go to the finance section. Pic any company. Look at their 10k tell me if the company is going to grow next quarter or receed next quarter. If you can answer that question I will teach you how to read charts and the psychology of the masses. 5% of Daytraders make 300k a yr. working 1 to 3 hours a day and off every bank holiday.

    Are you on commission for some kind of financial recruitment company or something?
    Sorry, I know you are just trying to help but quit pushing the finances thing, she might not be into that.
  • claguna23
    What has helped me is talking to God and asking him to help me leave my problems to him. Intense excersizing and just continue eating right....

    Philippians 3:14
    I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    Ok so this is my take on it, sorry to offend you by any means. But how you react to peoples posts says a lot about how you might react to what your parents are saying. Sometimes someone can say something to us that might not be said the best way and way take it to a whole other extreme. Some guy on here says we don't have skills shortage. This is not true perse, but a financial skills shortage, yes. If you had a high paying job, why didn't you set aside an emergency fund? If you have only not had a job for a month and a half, you should DEF have enough money saved aside to not have to worry for about another 4 and a half months AT LEAST. These are the things they teach in "rich" schools, because even the rich have to deal with financial downfalls, but they can regroup and recover because they have learned to invest wisely and set aside money for emergency situations.

    I, for one, can almost bet my life that i will never have an emergency fund. If all my bills are payed, i view the rest of it as my free spending money and blow it all in .25 seconds. So i'm not trying to be harsh on you, I'm just trying to get you to see both sides of the story.

    Now, i'm not much older than you, but maybe how your attitude is *slightly abbrasive it seems* might be making it hard to communicate with your parents. Even if they are yelling at you during your sit down talks....stay calm. If you yell back, its sign of weakness, that you can't handle your emotions. If you feel you are going to freak out, take a moment and step out and come back when you are calmed down. When you put water on hot ashes it cools the situation. You will notice that they might speak more calmly if you sit and listen, without interrupting, and hear them out. If they say something like you are an idiot, ask them why they feel that way. I know it sounds rediculous to ask why someone might think you are an idiot, or retard, or whatever, but maybe your parents have bad communicating skills also and when they say things that are mean its because they don't know how to phrase it in another way. When you ask why then it helps express their feelings.

    Also being young, we at times are unsure of ourselves and feel attacked by any little thing, let along a big thing. Also the mind hasn't matured enough yet to FULLY understand both sides. Just because you can understand your parents side doesn't mean you actually have to agree with it, just know where they are coming from.

    This is all just what i THINK because i don't actually live with you and know how your parents are. But if they are really that bad, living in a car might be the way to go, sure its stressful and uncomfortable, but at least you won't have people breathing down your neck if you parents are the monsters you are kind of making them seem
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Ok so this is my take on it, sorry to offend you by any means. But how you react to peoples posts says a lot about how you might react to what your parents are saying. Sometimes someone can say something to us that might not be said the best way and way take it to a whole other extreme. Some guy on here says we don't have skills shortage. This is not true perse, but a financial skills shortage, yes. If you had a high paying job, why didn't you set aside an emergency fund? If you have only not had a job for a month and a half, you should DEF have enough money saved aside to not have to worry for about another 4 and a half months AT LEAST. These are the things they teach in "rich" schools, because even the rich have to deal with financial downfalls, but they can regroup and recover because they have learned to invest wisely and set aside money for emergency situations.

    I, for one, can almost bet my life that i will never have an emergency fund. If all my bills are payed, i view the rest of it as my free spending money and blow it all in .25 seconds. So i'm not trying to be harsh on you, I'm just trying to get you to see both sides of the story.

    Now, i'm not much older than you, but maybe how your attitude is *slightly abbrasive it seems* might be making it hard to communicate with your parents. Even if they are yelling at you during your sit down talks....stay calm. If you yell back, its sign of weakness, that you can't handle your emotions. If you feel you are going to freak out, take a moment and step out and come back when you are calmed down. When you put water on hot ashes it cools the situation. You will notice that they might speak more calmly if you sit and listen, without interrupting, and hear them out. If they say something like you are an idiot, ask them why they feel that way. I know it sounds rediculous to ask why someone might think you are an idiot, or retard, or whatever, but maybe your parents have bad communicating skills also and when they say things that are mean its because they don't know how to phrase it in another way. When you ask why then it helps express their feelings.

    Also being young, we at times are unsure of ourselves and feel attacked by any little thing, let along a big thing. Also the mind hasn't matured enough yet to FULLY understand both sides. Just because you can understand your parents side doesn't mean you actually have to agree with it, just know where they are coming from.

    This is all just what i THINK because i don't actually live with you and know how your parents are. But if they are really that bad, living in a car might be the way to go, sure its stressful and uncomfortable, but at least you won't have people breathing down your neck if you parents are the monsters you are kind of making them seem

    1. Because I only had the high paying job for about a month. And had to pay for my expenses.
    2. No I do not respond to my parents because I don't wanna be beat up or have nowhere to live.
    3. I have lived in my car before
    4. I was living with someone very close to me, but because of circumstances I could not live with them anymore so had to move back.
    5. Oh yes of course I am just overreacting, is there a supposed overreaction to being stabbed or being told that you were never wanted by your parents :/
  • dumb_blondes_rock
    dumb_blondes_rock Posts: 1,568 Member
    OK, since you like to backsass everyones response.....if your life is so threatened, then MOVE OUT.....Being in a car is much better than being STABBED....and if they told you they dont' want you, then why stay there, move out. Some of the most successful people had NOTHING and made something of it. Tyler perry was homeless....look at him now.

    If you want to make it in life you WILL. You can always blame others for your situation. You are 19....its time you take your life in your hands, have faith in yourself and you can acheive things you thought were impossible. My brother had NOTHING.....and is now living in beverly hills. So from a first hand account i know that this can be true
  • gel91
    gel91 Posts: 309
    1. Because I only had the high paying job for about a month. And had to pay for my expenses.
    2. No I do not respond to my parents because I don't wanna be beat up or have nowhere to live.
    3. I have lived in my car before
    4. I was living with someone very close to me, but because of circumstances I could not live with them anymore so had to move back.
    5. Oh yes of course I am just overreacting, is there a supposed overreaction to being stabbed or being told that you were never wanted by your parents :/

    Why not involve the police if you've been stabbed or are threatened? Not only will that save you worrying, help you out but they can also move you to a different area/place where you can start you're life fresh and new again.
    Clearly you don't have much of a relationship with your parents so what do you have to lose? Go to a shelter or a hostal, it's not ideal but you have a job to see you through and compared to what you go through at home it'll be a doddle!

    Worth a shot!
  • livi_cowgirl
    livi_cowgirl Posts: 198 Member
    1. Because I only had the high paying job for about a month. And had to pay for my expenses.
    2. No I do not respond to my parents because I don't wanna be beat up or have nowhere to live.
    3. I have lived in my car before
    4. I was living with someone very close to me, but because of circumstances I could not live with them anymore so had to move back.
    5. Oh yes of course I am just overreacting, is there a supposed overreaction to being stabbed or being told that you were never wanted by your parents :/

    Why not involve the police if you've been stabbed or are threatened? Not only will that save you worrying, help you out but they can also move you to a different area/place where you can start you're life fresh and new again.
    Clearly you don't have much of a relationship with your parents so what do you have to lose? Go to a shelter or a hostal, it's not ideal but you have a job to see you through and compared to what you go through at home it'll be a doddle!

    Worth a shot!

    I agree with this. I would sooner live under a bridge than live like that.
    And why didn't the hospital call the police when you were stabbed? It's standard procedure for an obviously violent assault.