Wholefood / non processed food advice required please!!!!

Dragonfly1996 Posts: 196 Member
edited October 1 in Food and Nutrition
Hi just after some tips or suggestions for eating proper food as opposed to processed stuff or an websites that other people have found useful.

Briefly I have been on a plateau since the end of May & been unable to shift my last 8lb - I dud change things around fir two months & upped my cals but still no shifting!! However just had a week away & know I have put on a couple of pounds as my clothes are tighter but am not going on the scales for a couple of weeks as feel would be counter productive!! My diet needs a little tweaking as I feel it could be the type / quality of food I am eating that is aiding my plateau.

I think I eat too much processed food in that I use a lot of diet products ie weight watchers. Although sodium is really low & not something I have to worry about. But the added sugars is another story!! :ohwell:

My culinary skills & knowledge are limited - I would like to eat less of this processed stuff & more low GI whole foods. Should I restrict my carbs & eat more protein to cut out some sugar? Plus adding in more veggies & fruit? I would like to get the best food
intake possible for my 1200cals without being hungry all the time.

Again any advise or suggested websites you have found easy to follow & helpful would be great!!

Many thanx

DF :happy:


  • portexploit
    portexploit Posts: 378 Member
    Cut out processed foods like you said, don't add more fruit, but add more vegetables. I don't recommend fruit for weight loss.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    What worked for me was to base all my meals around a weekly veg shop at the local market. I do that before going to Tescos or anything else, so the veg shape the meals I have over the week rather than vice-versa. There's always the makings of an almost-instant meal in the fridge, like a salad, stir-fry, soup or omelette, without ever having to go down the ready-meal route.

    Here's my blog post on it to get an idea how much healthy grub I get for next to nothing!

    There's also a link to The Goktor's blog there - she has some amazing healthy recipes.

    Hope that helps!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I'd go for something like:

    Breakfast: scrambled egg
    Mid morning: cheese and rice cakes, humous and carrots, or celery and peanut butter
    Lunch: homemade soup or salad
    Afternoon: piece of fruit
    Dinner: lean grilled meat with loads of veg. Brown rice or a baked potato if you're not too worried about carbs.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Easiest thing to do is not purchase anything in boxes, bags, cans, etc. Buy fresh produce, fresh meats, and fresh packaged whole grains (in other words when it comes to starches, leave the pre-packaged taco shells, for example, in the store).

    My meals are basic, but tasty due to different cooking methods and spices. I just take a piece of lean meat (or other source of protein), add some fibrous carbs (green leafy stuff), and if you have some calories left over, toss in some small portion of starchy carbs like potatoes, whole wheat pasta, or brown rice. Don't forget your healthy fats, but I get my healthy fats mainly from cooking with olive oil or possibly adding peanut butter to toast.

    And I agree with limiting fruit as opposed to veggies. The more veggies the merrier. Fruit, although good for you, is chock full of sugar...and since you stated you are trying to limit sugar, this might be a good start for you. I like to have berries or apples, but I have like 1 serving a day when I am watching sugar.
  • marianapoliello
    marianapoliello Posts: 3 Member
    You dont have to cut out carbs to cut out sugars, I am a firm believer you need a well rounded diet. for weight loss you need reduced caloric intake not reducing your carbs. Do watch out for sugars though, sugars and carbohydrates are not created equal. Try eating lean meats like chicken breast, turkey breast, and lean centre cut pork. I always fine upping my fish intake a huge help losing a few more pounds. Try Salmon baked with some lemon and pepper or tuna steak baked with some italin dressing (I only use regular dressing (Paul newman is my favorite). The more low fat and 'lite' packaged foods you eat generally the higher sugar count. Look at the nutritions factss is sugar at the top of the list of ingrediants? That means there is a higher concnetration of sugar in that product. See any syrups added? Stay away from those too.

    Eat lots of veggies and fruits the sugar and fiber in them are very good for you carbs.

    It seems you know that you shouldnt be eating processed food and should steer away from packaged good and reach for fresh fruits and veggies and lean meats and fishes. Make yummy salads with chicken breasts and fresh tomatoes and olive oil throw in a bit of cheese or olives.

    I don't eat anything diet or lowfat or lite if I can help it. I always pick the full fat regular version of everything. I find my self more satisified witha small serving of the normal stuff then with the serving size or large of the lite version. I dont even drink diet soda, but every once in a while I drink a regualr coke and I am satisfied and don't reach for a soda for a few months.

    On the topic if drinks, stay away from the diet drinks, and stick with water and unsweetened tea! I drink up to 3 or 4 litres of water a day/

    My suggestion? Only shop on the perimeter of the store. Everything you need is there don't enter the isles unless it is for oatmeal, tuna,beans and other healthy items that are not pre packaged and have a million differnt additives.
  • liza001
    liza001 Posts: 77
    I too, lost weight and slowed down in June... I'm on my last 5kgs I have just kicked it up again by using my food diary and planning my meals before I eat them to see how it fits in my day.. Do I need more calcium etc.. My hunger has reduced due to having a balanced day... And I haven't gone over my daily limit... Here is a website for clean eating.


    :flowerforyou: I also have a list of healthy vegetables and what goes with them... Just message me.. The list is too long for a post...
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    Have you looked at the BBC Good Food website ?


    They have lots of healthy recipe ideas and they give the nutritional values too so you can see what's what. :happy:
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    My advice is to make it as simple as possible. Feel free to look at my diary for ideas (especially the last few days).

    Here's what I do (just me, it may not be right for everyone):

    Breakfast: scrambled egg(s), 1/4 cup of cheese (mixed in with the egg), chopped veggies added (either to the egg or on the side); 1 or 2 slices of bacon

    Lunch & Dinner: Protein (grilled, baked or sauteed in olive oil) and (in the form of steamed veggies or mashed cauliflower (which is basically cauliflower cooked until really soft and mixed with a wedge or 2 of laughing cow cheese, salt and pepper).

    Snacks/Desserts: String Cheese, sugar free pudding and nuts (I love cashews and Blue Diamond's flavored one's - cocoa dusted and butter toffee flavor for when you have a sweet tooth. Stay away from the savory ones - HIGH sodium), .

    **Hint... when you cook up your protein and veggies, cook up multiple portions so you have a quick meal. It makes it so much easier.

    **After a few days of eating like this, you should find most carb/sugar cravings have gone away. If you get a headache the first couple of days, eat an orange or take an Emergen-C.

    **If you "blow it", don't worry about it, just hop back on to your regular eating. Just keep in mind that any carb splurge will result in a return of cravings. Sometimes it's easier to say no to a donut if you realize you'll be fighting cravings for 3 days afterward.

    Once you're comfortable, your veggies can become more complex carbs (feel free to add in brown rice, whole grain pasta - just be careful with portions).
  • Dragonfly1996
    Dragonfly1996 Posts: 196 Member
    This is all really great advise so will be sitting down with the laptop over the weekend to look at the links & sort out a shopping list!! Got a bank holiday Monday so a long weekend to get my teeth stuck in before getting back to work. Thanx all :flowerforyou:
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