Bad headaches when i exercise

I have been with mmp for just over 2 weeks. Since i have started i have been getting really bad constant headaches. I went to the doctor and he tells me that its from tension in my shoulder and neck muscles and has given me some pain killers for it, also if it continues he is going to refer me to a physio.

My question is what exercise can i do that will not irate my neck and shoulders? I have pretty much stopped exercising or just doing a few mins a day but when i do just do i few mins a day i end up with another headache :(

Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated!


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    bump! i have been having the same problem :/
  • Loko_Ino
    Loko_Ino Posts: 544 Member
    Remember to relax when lifting weights. And if you are just doing cardio loosens your shoulds, pull them back and keep good posture.
    Maybe a massage therapist would help for a few sessions.
    When I first started I would get lower back pain..went to a chiropractor a few times and it went away and been good ever since.

    At the very least you can still do cardio though.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    I actually had constant migraines and shoulder pain for most of my adult life. Mine is due to having an undescended scapula in my right shoulder, which in turn, pulls my fourth and fifth vertebrae out as the muscles around it try to overcompensate for the underdeveloped muscle. I had regular Chiro visits and lived on painkillers to keep it bearable.

    But, once I started working out on a regular basis, first elliptical, then elliptical and strength then swapping the elliptical for running I found that it actually reduced, and nearly completely eliminated the pain. Nowdays, the I only time I have pain/headaches is when I don't work out for an extended period of time. Even when I lift something wrong or just generally tweak my shoulder with a physical movement of some kind, getting on that treadmill relieves more pain then vicadin, prescription strength ibuprofen or flexoral ever can.

    So my recommendation is to still to your workouts. The stronger you make your body, the better. If it truly hurts too much to do something, don't push it past it's limits. But even doing something light usually feels better than nothing at all, in my experience.
  • Tinks2007
    Tinks2007 Posts: 62 Member

    I suffer from a lot of headaches, I find running is good and because of the feel good factor you get afterwards it helps to ease them, doesnt always work as I do suffer migraines now and then but I certainly think it helps :)
  • liza001
    liza001 Posts: 77
    When I first worked out I got server headaches and had to stop...that was until I started running in February, could barely run 1 min..., my health has improved immensely and now I rarely get headaches. Now I run to rid my headache.

    I couldn't run in February and started the c25k program..Easter I finished the program and ran 5 klms straight. Now I run 6klms several times a week. C25k stands for "couch potato to 5klm run, in 9 weeks" it works! In week 5 they have you running 20mins straight... I highly recommend it. There is a support group on Facebook called "c25k beginners" has 700+ people joined since February all supporting each other.. Give it a go... :happy:
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    I have been with mmp for just over 2 weeks. Since i have started i have been getting really bad constant headaches. I went to the doctor and he tells me that its from tension in my shoulder and neck muscles and has given me some pain killers for it, also if it continues he is going to refer me to a physio.

    My question is what exercise can i do that will not irate my neck and shoulders? I have pretty much stopped exercising or just doing a few mins a day but when i do just do i few mins a day i end up with another headache :(

    Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated!

    KEEP YOUR CORE TIGHT!! Tuck those abs in squeeze! Shoulders back and chest up. Straighten up the body no slouching
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I used to get all tight in my shoulders when I exercised too. Although I can't give a lot of advice on how not to do that, I can say that when I went to get a professional massage they were able to alleviate a lot of that in my shoulders, neck, and even in my head. Maybe you could get a massage to help with the tightness and then take everyone else's exercise advice?
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    Make sure your Breathing Properly. Deep inhales hold and exhales. Make sure your hydrated! Water water. If you breath fast in quick your taking into much carbon not enough oxygen. YOur body needs the oxygen
  • chrit4u
    chrit4u Posts: 34
  • melindenmark
    melindenmark Posts: 279 Member
    Thanks for all the advice!! Waters not the problem as i drink alot of water but i had never thought about how i breath, also i would not be surprised if my posture wasn't good lol.
    I also think i will try that running programme, been a bit scared to try running but if it helps its worth it. Time to stop being scared and just go for it

    Thanks again!!
  • boysan
    boysan Posts: 12
    A few years back I was getting headaches when I'd go skiing. They would start in my neck, and go up the back of my head, over the top, then in my forehead. I would be sensitive to light and get a little light headed. I would take a bunch of ibuprofen, but later I would be pretty wiped out (these would occur sometimes when I ran as well).

    I finally figured out that during winter, I was cutting back on my swimming since I didn't like to swim indoors. I started swimming again, and amazingly, the headaches have disappeared! I'm thinking that the swimming helped build up the muscles and/or dissipated the tension in the area. Also, my posture is much better when I'm swimming on a regular basis. To help with the boredom, I now swim all the strokes.

    Good luck to you!
  • liza001
    liza001 Posts: 77
    Gosh I cannot recommend c25k enough! I've been so sick over the last few years... At Christmas I was so sick with the flu I was on daily antibiotic injections... The list goes on with my health! Nothing major thank goodness but when I got something I was in bed for days... And I'm approaching change of life the symptoms were coming on strong that the full big op was going to happen at the end of this year if it didn't improve. I had the rod put in my arm after the marina didn't work and was Lao put on other hormon tablets to top up the rod.

    In Feb I started running and went on 1200 cal diet... I was so sick! I could barely run the 1 min as I said before.. Each week the time increased and I managed it (just)... Week 4 I was back in bed for a week with vertigo... Then I went out and started where I left off and was surprised I did fall back... April I ran 5 klms straight! It's an overwhelming experience, it seems to more a mental thing than a fitness thing.. As your body improves your mind keeps telling you, you can't.. Over winter I got the flu twice both time symptoms were uncomfortable for a couple of days... And for the first time in my life I didn't need antibiotics OMG I just cannot believe my improved health... TOM has improved that I only have the rod in my arm and the big op look like it won't be needed.

    I've lost 10 kgs to end of April then leveled off that until now have only lost another 1 kg... This week I have made changes to my diet again.. Adding carbs back in (pasta bread rice) instead of relying on sweet potato, pumpkin, corn etc and have let 1kg already, hopefully I'm back on track, have renewed energy... I now look like a fit person too rather than a middle aged woman... Looking fitter younger better... I cannot believe my health..

    Headaches lightened or barely was there when running yet in June I remember trying to do a workout class at the gym and headache returned... I ask my doctor about it and she said to continue pushing, just dont overdo it. So that took the worry away.

    Food: You can look at my diary, I stopped for a while as I tried another site.. So those days are over there... But if you look at the time of joining and the last week it will show my routine.. I've been mix and matching trying to to find what suit me... Moderate breakfast, Big lunches and snacky dinner works best for me... Protein morning tea and celery and carrot for afternoon tea or something light.. Eating clean, no junk, packet, processed food...

    Morning big food consumption after lunch light food consumption...
  • liza001
    liza001 Posts: 77
    Do you have a iPhone or iPod mp3 etc so that I can help you with the program? Plenty of free ones around except the iPhone which I think the app is $5.
  • liza001
    liza001 Posts: 77
    Here is the link to a thread supporting each other with C25K here at MFP
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    Make sure your Breathing Properly. Deep inhales hold and exhales. Make sure your hydrated! Water water. If you breath fast in quick your taking into much carbon not enough oxygen. YOur body needs the oxygen

    ^^ This is what I was going to say. When I first started exercising in earnest, I found that I wasn't breathing properly. Learning how to breathe made all the difference. Yoga made a big difference for me.