Christmas Break Challenge 12/22 through 1/11

Hi everyone.

So I have joined so many challenges and not been able to follow through due to school or traveling or finals. Something has always come up. So ... I have off until the weekend of the 11th and am determined to lose a few pounds over break. So I'm starting a challenge for myself and anyone else who wants to join. Another great thing about this group is that if anyone else is in school we can find each other and help each other out after break. (If you are living on campus I'm sure you know how hard it is to eat healthy in dining commons.)

So ... we are each going to set our own goals and try to meet them. Your goal is completely up to you and doesn't have to include just dieting and exercising. If you want to try to get 8 hours of sleep per night that is your perogative. My goal is to get in some healthy habits before I go back.

My goals:
Current Weight (according to my mom's scale): 150 lbs.
Goal weight (according to the same scale): 245 lbs
Goals: Don't exceed 1500 calories each day
Walk/run each day.
Sleep 8 hours per night.
Wake up by 10am each morning.
No soda!
Drink a glass of milk per day.
Drink 8 glasses of water per day.

Wow ... many goals. I'll get there. lol. Hope someone will join me. You don't have to post everyday just when you can and if you want to. For example, if you want to post your meals everyday go for it or if you fall off the wagon and want to rant go ahead (I'll probably be doing it at least once, let's be realistic. lol) The main thing is to meet people.

O and PS ... if you aren't in school feel free to join anyway!



  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hi everyone.

    So I have joined so many challenges and not been able to follow through due to school or traveling or finals. Something has always come up. So ... I have off until the weekend of the 11th and am determined to lose a few pounds over break. So I'm starting a challenge for myself and anyone else who wants to join. Another great thing about this group is that if anyone else is in school we can find each other and help each other out after break. (If you are living on campus I'm sure you know how hard it is to eat healthy in dining commons.)

    So ... we are each going to set our own goals and try to meet them. Your goal is completely up to you and doesn't have to include just dieting and exercising. If you want to try to get 8 hours of sleep per night that is your perogative. My goal is to get in some healthy habits before I go back.

    My goals:
    Current Weight (according to my mom's scale): 150 lbs.
    Goal weight (according to the same scale): 245 lbs
    Goals: Don't exceed 1500 calories each day
    Walk/run each day.
    Sleep 8 hours per night.
    Wake up by 10am each morning.
    No soda!
    Drink a glass of milk per day.
    Drink 8 glasses of water per day.

    Wow ... many goals. I'll get there. lol. Hope someone will join me. You don't have to post everyday just when you can and if you want to. For example, if you want to post your meals everyday go for it or if you fall off the wagon and want to rant go ahead (I'll probably be doing it at least once, let's be realistic. lol) The main thing is to meet people.

    O and PS ... if you aren't in school feel free to join anyway!

  • Jackie_W
    Jackie_W Posts: 1,676 Member
    Hey Nicole, I'll join ya hun.
    My goals are;
    cw; 217lbs

    xmas goal; to maintain, losing a lb or 2 be great, but happy 2 just maintain, not drink much, doesn't help my diabetes

    new year; stay healthy, lose at least 50 lbs/3.5 stone by christmas 2009, I've lost 31lbs in 3 months, so kinda thinking 50lbs in a year shou;dn't be difficult. :huh:
  • lilmamamacwork
    I Just started my journey xmas goal is to be down at least 2 lbs by next saturday. To continue to exercise every day through the holiday. Not over-eat just because food is there. And to mix up my workout between my home treadmill, dancing, and the gym.

    I dont go back to school until 2/9 and i would like to have lost 10 lbs by then.
    so I will be on it!
  • jawaria
    Ok I'm in!!! i want to lose atleast 5 pounds by jan 11...i'll keep small goals! I did this at a diff site and can i add a few suggestions?
    We can report every saturday.
    we can all list our current weight
    We can also measure and report inches lost...we can start with waist and hips!

    Having to report weekly will be motivativational!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Welcome guys!! Jawaria, I think that's a great idea. Everyone can check in once a week. Let's say that it doesn't have to be Saturday though. I'm going to check in every Friday and Monday night, mainly because I think I gain the most/lose the least amount of weight on the weekend so knowing that I lost a pound and have to weigh in that Monday will help me stay on track better. So everyone pick a day ... and check in on that day.

    How does that sound?
  • jawaria
    sounds good to me! i said sat as an could be any day...we could do monday. i'm excited!!! I need lots of motivation!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Me too. Trust me. I've been on this site for a year and I keep going on and off. I think it has to do with the options available to me (and drunk eating) but I really want to do this. I need shorter challenges. O and about the measurements, I think that's a good idea, too. I'm going to measure myself sometime this week as soon as I find a tape measurer!

    And good news ... I woke up at 7:30 this morning (because I had a dentist's apt) but still. That's one day of waking up before my usual 2pm. Yay!

  • jawaria
    ok let's get serious!!! I'll weigh myself and measure tomorrow! And we'll hold each other accountable! also wwe'll all report on the same day...that way we could keep an average! U ok with that? Monday it is then?
    since we missed today we can put our weight starting tommorow nad next week we can put it on monday!!!
  • BrandNewLaura
    BrandNewLaura Posts: 1,650 Member
    I am setting a small goal because I have been doing terribly since everyone started breaking out the holiday treats...I would like to lose 4 pounds by 1/11. Losing 2 pound per week is unrealistic this time of year, so I will be happy if I am 278 or below by 1/11.
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    So I went to the fam's for awhile... where there was no internet connection believe it or not. My grandparents haven't moved into the 20th century but I am back and will be posting my weight tomorrow. Honestly, I don't think I did very well. I've been meeting some goals every day but not all of them. Welcome Laura. It's good to have you.

    Talk to all of you later. And sorry for the absence!!
