i havnt been able to exercise outside today and yesterday (other than walking with the pram) because my partner is out of town. so ive been jogging on the wii. usually i just do interval training. not continuous jogging, im having no problem with doing it, i have enough endurance and stamina but as soon as it has been only a minute or two i get a splitting migrane and I DONT KNOW WHY. i have all the motivation to do this but im being stopped by this horrible pain. WHY IS THIS. i hate it.


  • DiabeticAlien
    DiabeticAlien Posts: 240 Member
    Do you typically have issues with migraines? Or are you just getting a head ache, albeit a bad one? Unfortunately head aches can be caused by many things. I'm assuming that you do not get them when you exercise outside? If you are consistently having issues my suggestion would be see your physician.
  • babyblake11
    babyblake11 Posts: 1,107 Member
    Do you typically have issues with migraines? Or are you just getting a head ache, albeit a bad one? Unfortunately head aches can be caused by many things. I'm assuming that you do not get them when you exercise outside? If you are consistently having issues my suggestion would be see your physician.

    i havnt had a migrane other than today and yesterday for at least a year. if im jogging outside im fine, but when im joggin on the spot inside, i get a huge migrane, i dont get it
  • sandislim
    sandislim Posts: 264
    You might be dehydrated or have blood pressure problems - if it keeps on happening you need to see a doctor to find out for sure.
  • almille
    almille Posts: 89
    I know I hold myself tighter and bounce up and down more when I jog in place than when I can actually run- maybe that's cramping muscles and blood flow, triggering your headache? If jogging in place is a trigger for you, I'd suggest jumping jacks or some other cardio routine, like one of those free online exercise videos.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    My blood pressure drops too fast after a workout and then I get bad headaches.
  • mase1432
    mase1432 Posts: 10
    wheres the headache located? front of the head, side or back? when i was training for bootcamp I started getting headaches whenever I did my pushup and 2 mile circuit routine where i'd run a lap, stop, do 20 pushups and repeat til I would practically collapse. they'd start at the back of my head then spread to my entire head feeling like it was being stabbed. I went to my doctor and they did all these tests but really couldn't narrow it down to anything proven. He ended up saying they were "thunderclap headaches" google it. hope ur headaches go away tho!