Getting so frustrated with no weight loss.

I am getting very Frustrated. I lost so much so fast and now I feel like I'm not losing anything. I hardly go over my calorie intake and I have began walking more also. I'm going to start doing some sort of workout (gonna look on netflix) this weekend. But I'm SUPER frustrated. HELP!!!


  • shellb_81
    You've just hit a plateau. Don't get frustrated because then you'll turn back to eating whatever you want because you think it won't matter but it will. Jut mix it up a bit. Drink more water, lower the sodium if you can because sodium will make you hold water anyways. The inital that you lose will be water weight anyways because it's the first thing to go. Now you have to really work for it. And every lb counts :) Keep your chin up. You can do it! Have you been way under on calories? If so, try to get closer to it with the right foods. If you're not eating enough, your body will hold on to and store the fat from the foods....NOT GOOD!