Has anyone NOT had success with Jillian?

frats Posts: 96 Member
I always hear of people's amazing results with Jillian Michaels' DVD, but they do not work for me. I did the 30 DS in May and I didn;t lose a pound or an inch. Granted I had already lost 18 lbs and hit a plateau while doing it, but I thought I would lose something. SInce finishing that DVD, I fell off the wagon and gained back 5 pounds. I am now finishing week 2 of Ripped in 30 and I have gained 2 pounds since starting.:explode: I do not do every advanced exercise, but even with the modified, I work up a good sweat and am out of breath by the end of it. To be honest, I try to eat well, but I do not starve myself, I keep within my allotted calories and I try to eat back most of my exercise calories. I also try to go on the elliptical for 1/2 an hours a few days a week.

Am I the only one who is immune to the power of Jillian?!?


  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    to be honest i think it depends on your fitness level when you start jillian - i am not seeing the results i was hoping for with her.. but then i only have 10lbs to loose and am pretty active

    i think if you have not done much exercise in your life and are quite overweight you will see much beter results

    i only burn about 130 cals doing 30ds - so i combine it with her other longer dvds - and that seems to help me!
  • Krull_the_WarriorKing
    I haven't. I've called and asked her out over a hundred times. Turns me down every time.
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    I haven't. I've called and asked her out over a hundred times. Turns me down every time.

  • tangerine202
    I haven't. I've called and asked her out over a hundred times. Turns me down every time.

  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    to be honest i think it depends on your fitness level when you start jillian - i am not seeing the results i was hoping for with her.. but then i only have 10lbs to loose and am pretty active

    i think if you have not done much exercise in your life and are quite overweight you will see much beter results

    i only burn about 130 cals doing 30ds - so i combine it with her other longer dvds - and that seems to help me!

    I completely agree, I'm in the exact same position!!! You have to remember that 30DS was designed for everyone - its not specific to those who are already at a healthy weight and are active therefore there is a good chance you won't see many results especially if its the only exercise you do. Burning about 120-150 cals for me personally isn't something you really can eat back since it's a very small buffer and I find most of the positions awkward and weird (and most of them we’re deemed unsafe back in the ‘90’s like those knee twist warm-up things) and got much better definition in my arms/back with Turbo Jam using 1lb weighted hand gloves.
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    dont get me wrong i like her dvds especially the fact they incorporate resistance and not just aerobics - but i def dont burn enough just doing 30DS hence why i walk and do other DVDs to - but it is good to get up and have a 30 min workout first thing in the morning - so there are pros and cons :)
  • neela31
    neela31 Posts: 180 Member
    I tried 30 day shred when it first came out. I got past level one. Level two was too up and down for me and I got dizzy and light headed (I get motion sickness).
  • dreamangel18105
    dreamangel18105 Posts: 115 Member
    I had zero success with her as well. She didn't keep me motivated, and I got REALLY bored by doing the same workouts so frequently. Her style and her personality may work for some people, but I'm not one of them. I ended up having much better results with Chalene Johnson. 60+ lbs down and still going!
  • ninpiggy
    ninpiggy Posts: 228 Member
    I honestly cannot say because I never stuck with it for longer than 5 or 6 days. I noticed my stamina improve and I was able to do more push ups. But as far as weight loss is concerned - I don't know.
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    to be honest i think it depends on your fitness level when you start jillian - i am not seeing the results i was hoping for with her.. but then i only have 10lbs to loose and am pretty active

    i think if you have not done much exercise in your life and are quite overweight you will see much beter results

    i only burn about 130 cals doing 30ds - so i combine it with her other longer dvds - and that seems to help me!

    I tried it and i wasnt getting anywhere losing weight. I have to mix several of her routines with other programs to actual get a 200 calorie burn in 30 minutes. I still havent seen the scale go down, but ive seen more muscle definition
  • jlbuzz5
    jlbuzz5 Posts: 1
    I like Jillian and has had some success. I think you gain lean muscel and may see the difference in inches and how your close fit. I love the Boost your Metabolism and Quick trouble zones, but how much calories do you burn does anyone know? I wan to add to my excerices but don't know how many calories you burn.
  • HeartRN77
    HeartRN77 Posts: 39 Member
    I have a hear rate monitor and Banish Fat boost metabolism burns over 600 calories I have all of her dvds the 30 day shreads are (in my opinion for beginners) maybe try some of her harder DVD's and you will get results believe it or not the biggest looser last chance workout is one of my favorites.To get results you really need a workout that is longer than 25 min and thats what the 30 day shread is. I also have insanity and turbo fire I do a mixture through out the week and I see great results.
  • dreanance
    dreanance Posts: 246
    Do you wear a HR monitor? How heavy are your weights?
  • frats
    frats Posts: 96 Member
    From the beginning I only needed to lose around 26 pounds (still looking to lose 15), and I wasn’t in very good shape when I started in February. I definitely find ‘Ripped’ both more challenging and interesting than 30 DS. Seven days are much more manageable than 10, which I found really monotonous by around day 7.

    People are right about the face that I am doing the exercises better (well some of them) by the time I get to day 7. So I know that there will be results whether I see it on the scale or the measuring tape.

    I don’t have a HRM but I feel that it is giving me a good workout. I am in a sweat and out of breath by the time I get to the cool down, so it must be doing something. I use 5 lb weights. I don’t think I should go up in the weights and I don’t need to go down.

    I guess I should stop reading success stories about the people who have seen fantastic results from her DVDs!:laugh: I also need to get of the scale and simply pay attention to how my clothes are fitting.
  • HeartRN77
    HeartRN77 Posts: 39 Member
    Do you wear a HR monitor? How heavy are your weights?

    Yes I do any my weights are 3 5 8 and 10 lbs, I was so shocked the first time I used my HR monitor on how much I burned in that video.