Plateaued...I think.

stllrm Posts: 4
edited October 1 in Motivation and Support
I started using MFP and exercising at the beginning of May, SW 138. For the most part, I was steadily losing pounds and inches. It was so great to see the effort I was putting in was working. Well, for the last month, I'm not really seeing progress. CW 126. I lose a pound, I gain it back by the end of the week. I lose half an inch, I gain it back the next week. I try eating more, same deal. I try eating less, same deal. I try eating my exercise calories, no change. I try NOT eating my exercise calories, no change. Being a petite woman, I have looked at what other petites have said. They say eat fewer than 1200 calories. I try it. I don't lose.

When it comes to exercise, I've pushed myself progressively harder. I do my best to burn off the same amount of calories. I can now run for over a mile straight when I was struggling to run 1/4 mile. Yet I feel like I don't have any more energy throughout the day.

Here's the kicker. I DO see a small measurement difference in my arms. However, my waist and hips have not really changed in 2 months. TWO MONTHS!! My goal is to be a size 6 again. I'm 2 inches away from reaching my goal, yet it seems almost impossible at this point. The progress I was seeing at the beginning was so motivating and rewarding. Now, I find myself with no more energy throughout the day than when I started. I also struggle with constant headaches, being hungry, and wanting to eat things I shouldn't.

What am I doing wrong? Is this a plateau, and if so, how do I beat it?


  • buzzcogs
    buzzcogs Posts: 296 Member
    Hang in there, concentrate on eating healthy. Make sure you take vitamin supplements (started taking Vitamin D and it made a big difference in my energy levels).
    If running tires you out..start walking. You may be running too get that good calorie burn run longer but slooooower.

    You can't "spot" reduce your body will drop the fat where it wants to first that is just a fact. So don't get discouraged you have done really well. You sound pretty trim anyhow 126 isn't a bad weight for your height. If you keep eating healthy, keepin calories down, and exercising you will trim up. Remember to drink water too! Good luck! I know you can do it!
  • Ashleypeterson37
    Ashleypeterson37 Posts: 347 Member
    Is this a plateau, and if so, how do I beat it?

    You keep going. I have been on a plateau for the last 3 weeks. I started trying new foods and different recipes. I also completely changed up my exercise routine. I was going to the gym to run on the treadmill and use the weight machines. Now I stay home and do Jillian Micheals 30 day shred and a zumba dvd. Try doing something different for 2 weeks and see if that helps. I'm still waiting to see the tape measure and scale move again so I know how frustrated you are! Don't give up!
  • stllrm
    stllrm Posts: 4
    Thanks for the encouragement. I decided to give the 30 day shred a try. It doesn't burn as many calories as I was doing, and it's not as long, but it was hard, that's for sure. I've been doing mostly treadmill for exercise, with a bit of strength training here and there. Maybe I just need a change. I'm not going to give up. I'm going to get into a size 6 eventually.

    I'll post what happens in 2 weeks with the new exercise routine. :smile:
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