Am I Getting Irritated Because of My Diet?



  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    If you've suddenly drastically reduced your calorie intake, don't be surprised if your body gets angry with you and say 'where's my food?'

    for me, lack of regular meals results in irritability, tiredness, headaches and nausea (a side effect of being gallbladder free).

    if you have just started dieting, perhaps try going in gently - gradually reducing your daily calorie count until you get to your goal. If you are still suffering, then raise your goal and just lose weight slower. Do you want to lose weight that badly that you are prepared to make hell for everyone around you? (and yourself?)

    I think different foods have different effects on the body - maybe look up those that help raise seratonin levels as someone else said. and cutting out sugar can have a drastic effect on the body.
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    What have you changed that makes you think it may be your diet? I <try> to limit my added sugar consumption, and actually my fruit sugar consumption as well. I find that added sugar has a huge effect on me in terms of mood and cravings. If I haven't had any in a while and then have a bite of something with cane sugar - bam - instant headache. So for me, I limit that.
  • Vegan_Chick
    Vegan_Chick Posts: 474 Member
    Yes. there is a correlation....could be low blood sugars. could be you need more protein. experiment with a few things and see what helps. :smile:
    I can't imagine lacking protein as my problem. I think this is a misconception about vegans as I get plenty of it. Usually around 100 grams per day which is way more than I need.