i need some inspiration

lately, my weight loss goes in spurts. I drop 10lbs, and it takes me changing up everything to be able to drop another 5 (which took me another month), now, i'm stuck again and i've caved 3 times this wk to horrible choices. I gained back 3 lbs just this wk, and refused to step on the scale this morning due to what i chose to eat at midnight last night. Please give me some thoughts to remember thru these times of cravings, because mine are becoming very negative and I tell myself what does it matter, you can't even drop 20lbs, just eat it.

I just need words and thoughts to tell myself to help me steer clear of the crap. thank you.


  • Happy0326
    Happy0326 Posts: 159 Member
    YOU can do it!!! Stay focused & remember this is NOT an overnight process. Work & dedication must be put in. This is a rough journey we go through dealing with weight but without a doubt YOU CAN DO IT. Just keep at it everyday. So what you "mess" up a day. Eat things you enjoy once in a while just watch out for portions & servings. Stay in your calorie intake goal.
  • cherryhair123
    cherryhair123 Posts: 2 Member
    Whatever you are craving will still be available when you reach goal-they won't stop making it.
  • Bunnyboo82
    Bunnyboo82 Posts: 42 Member
    We all get cravings and cave. I went to the State Fair a few weeks ago , and that creme puff was calling my name and I ate it! I felt kind of bad after, but realized that if i hadn't satisifed that one craving i would have most likely binged on other things. So I had one bad day, and jumped right back on the wagon. You can do it to. You are smart and hard working and those 20 lbs will come off because you are dedicated! Don't doubt yourself.
  • Jacksonsmomma2211
    Jacksonsmomma2211 Posts: 52 Member
    It's completely okay to treat yourself every so often. And just because your not seeing the scale move doesn't mean that your measurements haven't changed. We all make mistakes and cheat. Just keep pushing, YOU CAN DO THIS!!!! :happy:
  • tashacan
    tashacan Posts: 121
    Read this story (attached).....very inspirational!

    You CAN and WILL do this!!!

  • swags8823
    swags8823 Posts: 1 Member
    Losing five pounds in a month is actually good. I've read that if you lose weight too fast, then a lot of times it comes back because you haven't really changed your life style, you've just been dieting. And we all know that when the diet stops....the weight comes back. I think you should feel proud of 5 pounds a month, you should ocassionally indulge in small amounts of your favorite foods (if you deprive yourself, you'll just binge later). I think it's really about changing your life and making healthier choices. The weight will come off, even if it takes more time than you'd like. (And even "my fitness pal" recommends losing a pound a week.) SO keep up the good work!
  • The one quote that sticks in my mind is something I think Oprah said, "Nothing tastes as good as being skinny feels". Granted, we all have set backs, don't let a small set back ruin your outcome. Just think even if you are taking 2 steps forward and one step back, you're still MOVING! Good luck, you'll get there!
  • Don't worry. Just because you have a bad day or 2 does not need to end your mission! Get back up, dust yourself off and get going again. Everyone does it. We are only human after all. If I want a donut I have one, but, I count it and get it out of my system. Nobody wants to feel deprived. You will be fine. Be proud of what you have accomplished instead of beating yourself up for a minor setback!! Now, go take on the day!!!
  • kazaki
    kazaki Posts: 1
    To answer your question about little things to tell yourself during a craving, I've read that you should ask yourself two questions:

    1.) Will eating this increase my happiness?
    2.) Will it help me on my way to reaching my goals?

    Just taking the time to ask yourself those questions will keep the focus. I've found that when I take the time to ask those questions, I've lost the craving by the time I reach the end of the first. Of course, that's not to say that I ask the questions all the time and don't cave. We all do. For me, it's ice cream... mmmm....

    Hope this helps!
  • Change up your workout routine, make it interesting and add weight. muscle burns fat even while resting. I garauntee that as soon as you really start seeing a difference you won't think twice about picking up that unhealthy food because you will feel so good and proud of yourself! But it's ok to treat yourself in moderation! We would never make it through this tough journey with out rewarding ourselves. Today is a new day! Put a pic up or positive sticky note to remind yourself when you pass it what you are working for and why. I'm doing it for my kids. I want them to have a healthy lifestyle and I want to be a positive role model so that they don't struggle with their weight their whole lives. Everytime I start to think negitively I look at one of my kids and remember why I made this decision in the first place. You can do it! Get those negitive thoughts out of your head! It's only bringing you down. Stay positive, focused and YOU WILL SUCCEED!
  • wow, thank you all !! Cherryhair, i gotta say, THAT summed it up for me best!!