Hello - New to MFP

:happy: Hello everyone, I am somewhat a new member to My Fitness Pal. I learned about it last year and joined but never stayed up with it. I didn't know how to edit that profile so I created this one about a month ago and have just decided to get going this week.

I think this is an awesome tool as it is available over the internet and via mobile apps. I love that I can access it anytime and any place. I even love how I can pull up information on menus from various restaurants and foods that I think may not be popular grocery items. I have been on a few different weight loss programs which all work for me as long as I keep going.

The one thing that I learned is that weight loss via healthy eating and exercise will always be done in cycles. There will be cycles when I'm gung-ho about it and can roll on my own program (or a paid program) and there will be cycles when I don't feel like closely monitoring my every bite or activity level. However, the main thing I know is that whenever I feel my health is becoming in jeopardy because I am not monitoring, I get on the stick and get back to doing what I know is best - monitor and improve.

And now with this added tool - MFP - I hope to be inspired and inspire others along the journey.

Good Luck to everyone!


  • workinggirl
    I'm just getting back on also after several months. Good luck to you.
