Intro and looking for new buddies (especially Cinch Inch bud

Hello there ! I'm Melissa and I love myfitnesspal. Early this year, it helped pay me lose about 12 lbs in 10-12 weeks, but I have more to lose to be optimally healthy. Due to a number of family emergencies over the last 3 months, I stopped using it and gained about 4 lbs of those lost pounds back because I just wasn't able to pay proper attention during the emergencies that occurred.

Now I'm back and after extensive research, this time I'll be using myfitnesspal in conjunction with the Cinch Inch Diet Plan which I just found and I already love because it really fits in with my busy day (tasty shakes or bars for breakfast and lunch with a sensible dinner and natural snacks), it's sensible, easy and the products contain nothing artificial. I can't use normal diet products because I am wicked sensitive to artificial sweeteners. I'm looking forward to losing fat and inches with little to no lean muscle mass loss. I really want to keep my lean muscle mass and I'll be tracking that just like I did last time. With what I was doing earlier, as well as the fat, I did lose lean muscle mass and a bit more on average that I would have liked. And for complete transparency, I am a distributor of the Cinch products, but the Cinch plan is not why I became a distributor. I did that because the company's vitamins rock and I actually feel better and more alert when I take them, but that is another story that I'd love to share offline if anyone is interested. :-D

So I'm looking for new friends in my journey. Any takers?

Yours in Health and Prosperity,

You can find out more about me on Twitter: @thetaoofhealth and @mrudden


  • anetap2000
    anetap2000 Posts: 116 Member
    I just started Cinch fast forward yesterday and I wonder how are you doing?
    Are you still following the plan?