I'm on my way back!

God's saved me from myself and with him now the center focus of my life I will be healthy again. I truly believe I can do all things through Christ Jesus who has already paid the ultimate price for me, now I owe it to him to be the best that I can be so that I can serve him and be a testimony for the Lord's kingdom. I've put on just about 100lbs over the past 10years.Eating what I wanted when I wanted and didnt even consider the portion sizes. I just wanted to feel good even if it was only temporary. Looking back I was hiding behind the weight and food. Hiding my gifts and being rebellious in my self loathing sin. Being in denial for so long took a toll on my self esteem. Drugging myself with food wasnt the answer! I post this today hoping it might touch someone else and know that you are not alone, if you walk with GOD all things are possible! Also I'm reaching out to anyone who may want to take this journey with me.


  • TamaraGraceS
    TamaraGraceS Posts: 273 Member
    Another christian girl on the path. Feel free to add me :)
  • shellyrulz
    shellyrulz Posts: 148 Member
    You are more than welcome to add me as well. We can do all things through Christ!
  • Michelle9939
    That is wonderful!! So glad you found Him. He is wonderful, isn't He. I am glad you are taking better care of your body to glorify the Lord.
  • Michelle9939
    And you can add me as well. :)
  • candb
    candb Posts: 238
    He will give the strength. Feel free to add this Christian Mommy too.
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    I can relate! I've tried so many times throughout my life to lose weight and finally...finally I realized I was approaching it wrong. I realized that no matter how hard I prayed for God to make me skinney, He wasn't going to do it. I put myself in that hole, I had to get myself out. But He showed me that what he would do is wipe my sweat and tears while I was fighting out of it...and He'll give me strength and rest and courage while I'm on this journey. I now know to pray for God to help me...not fix me. I ask for him to give me strength to fix myself. ANd mainly I ask for him to help me fight that voice in my head that tells me I'm too tired to work out, I can work out tomorrow....

    still working on fighting that voice in my head that says eat that ice cream! haha....but we're getting there. I've tried so many times and I've failed...this time is different. My mind is different, because I've gotten my spirit different. You can do it!!!!! God will give you the strength if you ask. He's already given you the courage to start.

    Feel free to add me if you want! and Good luck!