Countdown to the New Year Challenge Week 3 December 22



  • dewpearl
    dewpearl Posts: 561 Member
    So far....

    MFP Name Goal by 12/31 Lost To Go
    Benson 10 -6 =3
    chrissyh 10 -7.6 =2.4
    dewpearl 4 -2 =2
    drevans_mom 10 -4 =6
    familygirl37167 10 -9.5 =0.5
    kwill23 6 -3.5 =2.5
    menjivas 5 -3.4 =1.6
    mommared53 5 0 =5
    natalia221 10 -5.3 =4.7
    nwfamilygal 10 -5 =5
    PixieGoddess 10 2 =12
    plantlady99 10 -4 =6
    renae5 10 -3 =7
    sweettart 10 -7 3
    Total Loss: -58.3
    familygirl37167 is pretty much there!
    anyone else want to check in?

    Sorry, had to correct mine. Donno which scale to trust, though :ohwell:
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Hi all,

    Sorry for the delay - couldn't get to the regular scale yesterday.

    12/8 203.4
    12/15 201.6
    12/22 200.4

    Almost out of the 200's..... must make it next week.... :ohwell: :happy:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    You can do it janiebeth!
  • MissGorgeous
    MissGorgeous Posts: 394 Member
    im alittle late

    start- 206
    Today- 199
  • butterflydiva
    I'm late too

    CW- 133 (on weigh in day)
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Just wanted to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas!

    Best thing to do and I've told several of you's Christmas we have lots of goodies around.....ask yourself - is it REALLY worth it? If it is, enjoy in moderation but if it's not consider it a victory!!! Every bite we avoid is a bite that avoids adding to us!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Chrissy......NO the goodies are not worth it because I got a great christmas present this morning....I hit my 10lbs!!!!!!! I have lost 10.2 this month!!!!!!!

    Goal is to lose more but will be very happy just to maintain my 10.2 loss!
  • PixieGoddess
    PixieGoddess Posts: 1,833 Member
    Merry Christmas everyone! I hope we all did well today! I only went over by 300 calories and I had over 200 "left over" yesterday, so I don't feel too bad. Plus, the calories were mostly from meats, fruits, and veggies, though I did indulge in a spoonful of each of the potatoes, mashed (without butter) and sweet. :blushing: I did an extra workout on my "Dance It Off" DVD to try and compensate.

    But I avoided all the baked goodies and candies, despite the presence of a homemade cheesecake and Martha Washingtons on the ENTIRE TABLE of sugar-filled junk food, and I didn't have so much as a sip of eggnog! I ate/drank fruits as my sweet treats (plus the sweet potatoes) and filled my plate with the less fat-filled pieces of ham, and had a green salad instead of green bean casserole or this weird cream-covered grape and broccoli salad actually wasn't even very appetizing, so no tough love there! :laugh:

    I'm so proud of myself, I ALWAYS pig out on these holidays (it's family tradition) but this year I pigged out heathy! :bigsmile: