OPERATION: Skinny B*tch 2: (8/19-10/28) WEEK 2! (OPEN GROUP)



  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Current Weight (8/26): 253.4
    Weight lost since last week: 0.6
    Calories burned since last week: 5,017
    Nutrition goal met?? YES
    How many miles did you travel this past week: 37.67 (10.63 walk miles & 27.04 bike miles)
    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/26 through 9/2:
    Calorie burn goal: 4,000
    Weight loss goal: 4lbs..I'm still trying to break into the 240s!!!
    Nutrition goal: Cut down on junk food!
    Age: 43
    Height: 5'10"
    Chest: 41" (down .5)
    Waist 40"
    Hips: 50.5"
    Thighs: 29"
    Calves: 18.5" (down .5)
    Arms: 14.5"

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challgenge) 234.

    Great job everyone! This challenge is going full force!

    Mtkautz made some great points with regards to weight loss! Basically, you have to eat and exercise in a way that helps you to meet your goals. I regularly burn 4,000 - 5,000 cals a week and have higher than average daily caloric needs. I can't compare myself to many of you because I'm easily 50lbs + more than most of you. I just have to "run" my own race…no pun intended!
    Have a fantastic week everyone!
  • glittermouse
    glittermouse Posts: 590 Member
    Heeeey, Skinny B*tches! Y'all are rockin' this challenge!

    Here's my update:

    Current Weight (8/21): 266.7
    Weight lost since last week: 2.9 pouinds
    Calories burned since last week: 2554
    Nutrition goal met: no =(
    How many miles did you travel this past week: 13.89

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/26 through 9/2:
    Calorie burn goal: 2,700
    Weight loss goal: 264.7 (2 pounds)
    Nutrition goal: veggies every day, no soda

    Age: 27
    Height: 5 foot 6 inches
    Chest: 43.5 (-1.5)
    Waist data not available
    Hips: 50 (-1)
    Thighs: 30 (-0.5)
    Calves: 18.25 (+0.25)
    Arms: 16.5 (+0.5)

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challenge): 253.6 (2 pounds a week for a 16 pound loss)
  • ReggaeNurse
    bump for tomorrow....will stop slacking, I swear.
  • MarandaPanda86
    Sorry so late!

    Current Weight (8/26): 251.4
    Weight lost since last week: 4lbs!
    Calories burned since last week: 504 calories; I was only cleared back into the gym by my Dr on Wednesday and I didn't go yesterday or today due to the pain in my knee. Hopefully this week is better!
    Nutrition goal met? For most of the days, yeah. Today was bad lol. It's my anniversary weekend!!! (6 years)
    How many miles did you travel this past week: The stationary bike said like 9 miles but who believes that

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/26 through 9/2:
    Calorie burn goal: 2,000
    Weight loss goal: 5 pounds
    Nutrition goal: To be under or meet my calorie goal most or all days. More fresh, wholesome foods. More water.

    Age: 25
    Height: 5' 9"
    Chest: 38"
    Bust: 43"
    Waist 41.5" +1 from last week...
    Hips: 48.5"
    Butt: 47.5"
    Thighs: 26" -1 from last week!
    Calves: 17"
    Arms: 17" -0.5 from last week!

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challenge) 240lbs
    I added some more measurements just to keep track for myself :)
  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    Ooops i posted in the week one thread instead! My goal this week is to find some decent shoes for walking to class! Ahem, ok other less materialistic goals are

    ~ to not eat out this week. Its expensive and unhealthy and I get lazy and would rather pick something up than remember to pack!
    ~ drink 8 glasses of water a day. That's a mega challenge for me
    ~ GET OFF MY BEE-HIND AND WORKOUT. ahem. yeah that.
    ~ avoid ze addiction to chocolate. Its the week before my period which historically is chocoholics anonymous week.

    So my starting weight was a little off and I'm not sure of a way to fix it without erasing my original post....but it was 155 :P

    Current Weight (8/19): 157
    Weight lost since last week: OMGOSH I GAINED 2LBS. bad bad bad
    Calories burned since last week: 1,080
    Nutrition goal met?? nope. darn chocolate!
    How many miles did you travel this past week: about 2 (my cardio is usually a dvd, so this is just the miles I've been walking around and not my workout)

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal: 4,200
    Weight loss goal: 153
    Nutrition goal: see above :)

    Age: 21
    Height: 5'3"
    Chest: 35.5
    Waist 29
    Hips: 40.5
    Thighs: 24.5
    Calves: 14
    Arms: 11.5

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challgenge) 130-135lbs
  • Katebms
    Katebms Posts: 10
    Current Weight (8/19): 152.7 lb
    Weight lost since last week: -4 lb
    Calories burned since last week: 2282
    Nutrition goal met?? Yep!
    How many miles did you travel this past week: 15 walking

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal: 2500
    Weight loss goal: 2 lb by next Friday
    Nutrition goal: Stick to calorie limits

    Age: 26
    Height: 5' 7"
    Chest: 34
    Waist 27
    Hips: 34
    Thighs: 24
    Calves: 15
    Arms: 11

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challgenge) 138 lb (2 lb per week)
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    SO... NSV for a moment here....
    The matching bra and panty set I bought from VS back in april or so... FINALLY FIT!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    :laugh: :laugh: had to share somewhere.... :bigsmile:
  • lena69au
    lena69au Posts: 11 Member
    SO... NSV for a moment here....
    The matching bra and panty set I bought from VS back in april or so... FINALLY FIT!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    :laugh: :laugh: had to share somewhere.... :bigsmile:

  • dancer77
    dancer77 Posts: 249 Member
    SO... NSV for a moment here....
    The matching bra and panty set I bought from VS back in april or so... FINALLY FIT!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
    :laugh: :laugh: had to share somewhere.... :bigsmile:

    YAYYYYY. That is super awesome!
  • anitanz
    anitanz Posts: 72
    Hey skinnny b*tches, I'm a bit late checking in with my goals but better late than never right?
    Current Weight (8/26): 148lbs / 67.2kg
    Weight lost since last week: 0
    Calories burned since last week: 1,000
    Nutrition goal met?? Went away for a weekend with the girls, so I have to say a big NO
    How many miles did you travel this past week: 0!

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/26 through 9/2:
    Calorie burn goal: 2,000
    Run: 8km
    Weight loss goal: 2.2lbs/ 1kg
    Nutrition goal: <3 glasses of wine all week. <1750 cals per day.

    Age: 30
    Height: 173cm/ 5'8
    Waist 73cm
    Hips: 99cm

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challgenge) 64kg/ 141lbs.

    Alright, let's do it b*tches!!
  • LaKayBee
    Current Weight (8/19): 181
    Weight lost since last week: 2 lbs
    Calories burned since last week: 3287
    Nutrition goal met?? kinda
    How many miles did you travel this past week: 6-7

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal: 4500+
    Weight loss goal: 2.5lbs
    Nutrition goal: more water, less calories

    Age: 17
    Height: 5'5
    Chest: 33.5
    Waist: 29
    Hips: 43
    Thighs: 27
    Calves: 16.5
    Arms: 13

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challenge): 161
  • dyiaane
    dyiaane Posts: 271 Member
    Current Weight (8/26): 125
    Weight lost since last week: 0
    Calories burned last week: 2155
    Nutrition goal met: NO, ate too much junk AGAIN
    How many miles did you travel this past week: A lot. I started Bridge to 10K yesterday. I don't have anything to track miles but I did running outside. walking outside, and also treadmill. I would estimate like 20 something miles...
    NEW GOALS for next week: Stop eating junk. Staying within my calories. Finishing week 2 of Bridge to 10K.
    Calorie burn goal: 2,500
    Weight loss goal: 121 by the end of this challenge. Goal for next weigh in 124.5. If I could loose a half a pound every week I would be excited. I have been at a standstill for months. I can't get under 125.
    Nutrition goal: stay within my calories, more water, no junk.

    I been eating way too much since I have been off from work. I go back to work after Labor Day and it will be helpful with my eating because I won't have lots of extra food around.
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Hey guys, sorry its late, Thirsday my period decided to show up, so friday was not good news

    Current Weight (8/19): 153lbs
    Weight lost since last week: +1lb
    Calories burned since last week: 2477
    Nutrition goal met?? More often than not, I met the 10 glasses of water, but didn't always cut carbs in the evening.
    How many miles did you travel this past week: No idea not sure.

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/19 through 8/26:
    Calorie burn goal: 3500
    Weight loss goal: 3lbs
    Nutrition goal: Stay under cal goal up the water to 12 glasses.

    Age: 27
    Height: 5'8
    Chest: 35.5
    Waist 28.5
    Hips: 36
    Thighs: 24
    Arms: 11.5

    I didn't do updates on the measurements because of totm, on the plus side the scales are showing i've lost the 2.5 gain from the past couple of weeks already so my 3lb goal should be achievable if i stick to it!

    ULTIMATE GOAL WEIGHT (for October 28th, the end of our challgenge) 140lbs
  • polo_princess
    Hey ladies, i know you're already into week 2 ... is it still ok to join in?
  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Hey ladies, i know you're already into week 2 ... is it still ok to join in?

    Yep go ahead and fill out the form! It's an open group so all welcome! :)
  • kirstenleek
    I'm sry! I thought we were doing Monday's!!

    Cw- 66.2
    Lost - 2 lbs since last week!

    Just started back at college so it's so hard tO find work out time anymOre ..
    I bought a work out bike so maybe that will help!
    Waist- 33
    Arm- 12.5
    Lost 6 inches overall last month!
  • moxleymama6
    moxleymama6 Posts: 537 Member
    Week 2:
    Weight : 146
    Lost : 1 lb.
    Calories burned : 1250
    Nutrition : Could have done better! Especially on Sat. When we were all house bound and eating comfort food due to the Hurricane! Thanks Irene...for nothing!

    I'm reading The Paleo Diet and am hoping to incorporate more fresh whole foods into my diet. Cut dairy & grains for a while and see how that effects my metabolism.

    Note to all Skinny B!*ches talking about severely cutting calories ...Stop now! I was a dancer (ballet) for 12 years. Being consistently under what MFP has set as your minimum will wreck your metabolism!! Believe me!! I'm living proof, my metabolism is like a snail's now.
  • mtkautz
    mtkautz Posts: 218 Member
    OK b*tches, tomorrow is Monday. Back to the grind!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: The time to get skinny is NOW!

  • kell_riley
    kell_riley Posts: 312
    Nooo it's a bank holiday in the uk today which means my other half is around and my day is cocked up! Grr! I'm hoping he's going to take our son out so I can get on and do some serious cleaning and mow the lawn! That way I'll
    Still be getting exercise in!
    Totm is almost over so my cravings should be going! Have a great day skinny *****es!!
  • polo_princess
    Heres mine, Im Holly btw, another UK girlie :)

    Current Weight (8/26): 126
    Weight lost since last week: -3lbs
    Calories burned since last week: ??
    Nutrition goal met?? Bit up and down
    How many miles did you travel this past week: ??

    NEW GOALS for the week of 8/26 through 9/2:
    Calorie burn goal: 1,000 ... i really need to step up the exercise front!!
    Weight loss goal: 2lbs
    Nutrition goal: Get as close to the 1200 mark, and try to cut down on the carbs

    Age: 24
    Height: 5'6.6
    Chest: 35"
    Waist 27"
    Hips: 34"
    Thighs: 20"
    Calves: ??
    Arms: ??


    I havent got a huge deal to lose, but what i do have just sits around my untoned mummy tummy, so i need to drop those lbs and get myself nice and fit!!