New Favorite Breakfast!

What does everyone like in their egg whites for breakfast? Here's my new favorite:


4 egg white omelette, onion, spinach, kale, and avocado. Topped with green salsa, side of black beans. I also sprinkled a tiny bit of shredded cheddar on top. And had blackberries. Only 379 calories.


  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Yum! Looks delicious!
  • bflicker11
    bflicker11 Posts: 296
    Looks so filling for so little calories. Thanks for sharing!!
  • Looks good, but I couldnt have black beans for breakfast, my co-workers wouldnt be happy later when they kick :huh:
  • delcatty
    delcatty Posts: 23 Member
    If only I had time in the mornings to make that!
  • Looks good, but I couldnt have black beans for breakfast, my co-workers wouldnt be happy later when they kick :huh:

    ha ha... luckily, I don't go to to work until 2 so I have a little time on my own before. ha ha ha...
  • If only I had time in the mornings to make that!

    This actually takes less than 15 minutes. You could chop the greens the night before. I also used canned beans. It's pretty quick.