Is it true??



  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Frustrated about this every day for the last couple of weeks, finally realized that all fruits are not equal, and that BANANAS have been the culprit of all things. Nineteen grams of sugar in a medium sized one! Compared to only four in eight strawberries. I think sugar is sugar. I hate depriving myself of ice cream and desert just to be over for a stupid banana. Also I notice that the more I exercise in a day the higher my allotment for sugar is for the day.

    OMG!! I swear.. I ate a banana today and logged it in and that is what inspired this post! lmao. Freakin bananas man!! It sucks because I dont like strawberries or ones that were mentioned being lower in sugar. I like bananas, apples, grapes, oranges. All the ones that Im sure have the most sugar out of all fruits in the world lol
  • HeyLisa
    HeyLisa Posts: 201
    We all have a different outlook here.

    I personally count calories (tracking everything). I don't care about the breakdown. I'm not dieting, I now eat this way. The only thing I am hypersensitive to is that when I have too much salt I will bounce with water weight for a bit. Doesn't hinder actual weightloss for me, just the scale is crueler then usual for a day or so..
  • CatMauro
    CatMauro Posts: 225 Member
    I've been told the same. In fact if you eat the recommended intake for fruit you are GUARANTEED to go over in your sugars. My way of going about it is that if I go over my sugar 100% due to healthy eating and fruit then I don't worry about it too much. I just make sure that I don't have too many unnatural sugars and try to avoid getting the fruit sugars from things like juice because sometimes they mix in refined sugar with it. I also try to pick fruits that are not as high in sugar so I can have more of them with less impact. All in all, yes you should be aware of the sugar but don't drive yourself crazy (or unhealthy) by foregoing fruit all together.
  • BethanyMasters
    BethanyMasters Posts: 519 Member
    Sugar is sugar no matter where it comes from or how much it's processed. Your body doesn't care. The difference is that at least with a piece of fruit you are getting other nutrients as opposed to a candy bar where you are getting sugar + other processed crap.

    I have issues with sugar as well. Try changing some of your fruit snacks to veggie snacks and it will help you bring your sugar down.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    At the end of the day, it's all about calories. This is what matters for your weight.

    Everything else is about nutrition and being healthy.
  • ignatiusreilly
    ignatiusreilly Posts: 411 Member
    Well, that depends on why you are counting sugar so carefully that one day or a few days with a lot of fruit would make a difference.
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Noo that is incorrect, sugar is sugar. Of course fruit is healthier for you ie the vitamins and minerals as opposed to a chocolate bar. But your body uses it the same. There are fruits lower in sugar if you are concerned.

  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    I've been told the same. In fact if you eat the recommended intake for fruit you are GUARANTEED to go over in your sugars. My way of going about it is that if I go over my sugar 100% due to healthy eating and fruit then I don't worry about it too much. I just make sure that I don't have too many unnatural sugars and try to avoid getting the fruit sugars from things like juice because sometimes they mix in refined sugar with it. I also try to pick fruits that are not as high in sugar so I can have more of them with less impact. All in all, yes you should be aware of the sugar but don't drive yourself crazy (or unhealthy) by foregoing fruit all together.

    This is the only way I think I will be able to have my fruit and not drive myself nuts! I dont drink anything but water(literally) so avoiding fruit juices is not a problem. I will just stick to my 2 fruits a day for my snacks and that will be that! lol
  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    Well, that depends on why you are counting sugar so carefully that one day or a few days with a lot of fruit would make a difference.

    I usually have 2 fruits a day. I have them as my snacks between breakfast and lunch and then before dinner. But I do this EVERYDAY. So even though im not going over too much.. its an everyday thing. So I am a little worried about that affecting my weight loss=/
  • moondust7
    moondust7 Posts: 109 Member
    Fruits are healthy - lots of antioxidants!!! Definitely don't stop eating them!!!! They are a source of sugar, but just have some protein every time you have a piece of fruit... the protein helps your body counteract the sugar. For example, eat some peanut butter with your apples or bananas, cream cheese, yogurt, nuts, string cheese, etc. It works!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    The great sugar debate.
    I think unless you have a condition where you need to really balance and pay attention to your sugar levels, eating fruit & getting "too much" sugar isn't a big deal.

    I eat a lot of fruit daily. I like it, it tastes good. Anything from blueberries, strawberries, apples, cherries, grapes, watermelon, oranges... on any given day I will have 3 to 5 of the things listed.
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    I am a fruit fiend! I figure that if it keeps me from eating candy or other junk, no big deal. Unless you totally overdoes or have other medical issues, really, how can fruit be BAD? There aren't good and bad foods, remember. Moderation...
  • alohabrie
    alohabrie Posts: 204
    Here you go:

    Fruit sugars break down into sucrose and glucogen, slowing the process. It spreads it out. Your body doesn’t even use the fructose unless there is an immediate need for energy and then it has to be processed by the liver. The rest is stored as glycogen in the muscles and liver. Sucrose (or refined sugars) break down into glucose which spikes because it starts immediate insulin production. Basically fructose takes a longer route and keeps your body in balance and refined sugar (or sucrose) knocks it out of balance.

    fruit sugars do not break down into sucrose. Sucrose is a multi-molucule and fructose is not. It breaks down into glucose.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    As long as my total carbs are under 30% of my calories I don't worry about fruit sugar. They have wonderful stuff in them. But, I rarely eat fruit by itself because my body doesn't like it. I add peanut butter to my apple, I often eat cheese or nuts with my strawberries. A bit of fat and/or protein with the sugar, as well as the inherent fiber makes all the difference to me.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Sugar is sugar. Fruit is slightly better than the straight white sugar because there's fiber in it, slowing down the insulin spike but excess glucose in the blood gets turned into fat so depending on one's goals, a huge fruit meal might not be ideal. But I don't think your two fruit snacks are anything to worry about!
  • apsmith51
    apsmith51 Posts: 48 Member
    The way I look at it is...I didn't gain this weight from eating is chock full of vitamins and long as you aren't overeating your calories, I think it is great for your body.
  • inlander
    inlander Posts: 339 Member
    You should eat sweeter fruits in moderation, just like everything else. Too much sugar (even from fruit) isn't good for you.
  • brit49
    brit49 Posts: 461 Member
    You should eat sweeter fruits in moderation, just like everything else. Too much sugar (even from fruit) isn't good for you.

  • kcwonder
    kcwonder Posts: 57 Member
    According to other websites, sugar is sugar, but the body processes sugars differently. One website said that fructose gets processed by the liver immediately (as a previous poster suggested). Other forms of sugar get processed differently usually with increases in insulin. Thus, fruit will have a lower GI to other foods containing different forms of sugar.

    From what I have researched, the benefits of fruit have little to do with the sugar content and everything to do with the large amounts of vitamins and minerals found in fruits. Yes, fruit is lower on the glycemic index to other foods, which is an added benefit. However, from what I read, the focus seems to be on fruit's nutritional value as the main reason for being part of any diet plan.

    If you are really concerned about your sugar intake, stick to fruits with lower sugar content. I know bananas are pretty high when it comes to sugar content.

    Here is a list I found (not sure about it's validity)*:

    Fruits Lowest in Sugar

    Small Amounts of Lemon or Lime

    Fruits Low to Medium in Sugar

    Casaba Melon
    Honeydew Melons
    Guavas – Pineapple Guavas (Feijoa) and Strawberry Guavas

    Fruits Fairly High in Sugar


    Fruits Very High in Sugar


  • datxdiva
    datxdiva Posts: 22 Member
    Always eat a protein with a carb. Example apple slices with peanut butter. I would have an apple for each snack but cut in half.